Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Fall Looks Like Around Here

Here's a slice of Americana - the pumpkin farms have started to pop up all around my town. What does fall look like around you?
p.s. Scavenger Hunt winners coming soon! And Storytelling Sunday!


  1. Oooh eeee... pun'kins! We didn't have pumpkin fields when I was little. Pumpkins were an unusual vegetable - UK gardeners grew marrows instead. But over the last 20 years or so, squash and pumpkins have become very common; now when I drive to town along the main road, there is often a field of pumpkins ripening alongside the road. Maybe I should go out in search of a Pumpkin Farm and take my own pictures.

    Love that biiiig field full of green and orange, all in rows, with the cool tent/tee-pee in the background. Great photo, Rinda!

    Autumn is here in our area, though the trees are still mostly green. I did take some nice photos in the garden though - perhaps I ought to post them.

  2. We are having a last hot spell here! The trees have been turning colours for a few weeks now & its quite bizarre to be walking through the fallen leaves in ones shorts & t-shirts instead of jeans & coats!!
    Thats a fab shot of the pumpkins all lined up xx

  3. It's too cold for pumpkins in Scotland. Recent windy weather means many of the trees are bare rather than colourful

  4. Looks pretty much the same here. The leaves are just beginning to turn. We're off to the Adirondacks this morning. It should be more colorful up there.

  5. it is still over a hundred degrees during the day down here. we certainly don't have those gorgeous warm colors like your photo shows. but last weekend i was up in northern idaho and got my "fall fix". it is such a beautiful time of year.

  6. Autumn seems to have vanished round here....and summer is back....actually it's hotter then it was during the summer!! Very strange weather we're having this year.It's still very green....and we were barbequeing yesterday.
    Pumpkins certainly aren't common here....but there are a few in the supermarkets....and a lot more appear near Halloween.

  7. Love that - it feels a very American sight :) Here we're enjoying watching the leaves change to red and orange and gold; it's the pretty stage, before they fall and the rain turns them to slippery sludge...

  8. Oh I love that photo, Rinda. I was thinking of you the other day when I saw a large bin of pumpkins in the store - knowing that pumpkins would be popping up all around where you live.

    Autumn here looks just like summer! About the only difference is that it's not so damn hot. LOL.

  9. How colorful. I have never seen pumpkins in such dark brown colors. Is that the stage before they turn orange? I'm a city girl so please excuse my dumb question. LOL Great Harvest.

  10. We're waiting for the start of all the fall festivals here. Mostly centered on apples since we grow so many. There are pick your own apple orchards every few miles & they all do weekend festivals with hayrides, haybale mazes, pumpkin patches, and lots of apple foods (my favorites are fritters washed down with fresh pressed cider)

  11. they ran an article in the San Jose paper about how the HMB pumpkins aren't as orange as they would like this year - cold, foggy summer!
    this is a great picture, but I'm hesitant to drive over because of the traffic ;-)

  12. WOW - would love to see something like that in real life ... as the UK copies the USA in a lot of things, perhaps I should just wait a couple of years!

  13. Let's just say that Autumn where I live looks nothing like Fall where you live! What a fab photo, a true slice of America.

  14. It doesn't look like that, that's for sure! I love this photo. It's so evocative.

    Keep your fingers crossed. Our internet connection has been patchy all week - I'm hoping if I set it to autopost for Sunday it'll work

  15. We have pumpkin stands popping up with lots of pumpkins. Love the variety and shapes. So interesting to look at.

  16. The leaves are mostly just starting to change here (aside from the wonky tree in our backyard that is practically bare,lol) and the pumpkin and apple picking farms are all open for visitors. Makes me think that would be a fun thing to do for Thanksgiving weekend this week.
