Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summertime Photo Hunt: Rain

Photographing rain turns out to be a bit of a challenge - I've had a few inquiries about what would be acceptable. As you may have realized, my emphasis in the scavenger hunt is fun and participation, rather than strict rules. And, when I saw this rain-touched spider web outside, I thought it was a good candidate for my rain picture.  The photo up top is a picture of the front of the full web. After I took it, I moved around and took a picture from the back:
And I liked this one as well, which had a more ethereal feel:
Do you have other ways of photographing rain?


  1. I love your webs they are very atmospheric
    I have photographed rain several time think I may put a collage together on my blog later.
    Rainwater gushing down a pipe
    torrential rain in my garden
    people with umbrellas rushing from shop to shop
    the one I used was raindrops on the washing line.

  2. Beutiful images.

    Rain is probably one of the 10 images I photo most often - says something about our weather!

    I like raindrops on leaves; drops coming off the end of twigs etc; splahses as rain hits puddles; raindrops on windows - car is good for this;

  3. Stunning! Just right, really fabulous, wish I got a shot like that .... ermm, what else can I say? Well done!

  4. Beautiful! I had a great plan in my head for a rain shot but i couldn't get it, so I have one through a car windscreen - I'm still feeling in too much of a holiday mood to post a rain picture, but it'll show up eventually!

  5. The third one! Oh my god, the third one. I need to have it stretched on my ceiling. Just imagine it - you wake up and you see this :D. It would be simply beautiful.

    Simply Fone

  6. Just love all three of these photos - now I want to find one and photograph it, but will probably have to wait until the autumn over here when there are so many webs in our garden you would think that only spiders live in it!

  7. My compliments to the spider who built this beautiful web and to the photographer who took these wonderful photos.

  8. I've added three more they are on my blog here

  9. Wow, Rinda, these photos are AWESOME!!! Makes my rain photo look really...well...simple. ;o)

  10. Beautiful photos,Rinda....the third one looks like jewels.

  11. Love the spider webs. Great photos.

  12. Lovely spider web shots! The raindrops are like little crystals. Very pretty.

    I did some experiments with rain on/outside the window shots, when doing the "Love Your Pictures.." course with Shimelle. Was quite pleased to capture some good close-up photos of rain on the window panes. My camera is only "point and shoot", not dslr, so it was an interesting challenge.
    Of course, big puddles make a good subject for photographs too - ripples, drops & drips, reflections etc.

    Hope you're enjoying your stay in UK. Would have liked to arrange a meet-up...

  13. OMG.... LOOOOOOVE the raindrops!
