Monday, July 18, 2011

Photo Scavenger Hunt: A Festival or Fair

Like many other bloggers, I am on vacation this week, but I have left a steady stream of auto-posts for my readers. But I may not be visiting your blogs as regularly, and my posts are only coming every other day.  It's a great opportunity, though, to catch up on posting photographs for my summertime photograph and snapshot scavenger hunt. We're about a month into the contest, and you still have two months left to find and photograph the 21 items listed in the sidebar at the left. Full details can be found in my post here. Today's photographs are of an all-female Taiko Drum Group which performed at the Sokenbichu Seren-i-Tea Festival in San Francisco in June. The drummers were awesome! I especially liked them because for many years women were not allowed to participate in this form of musical expression, and these performers are certainly enjoying breaking that barrier. 
So, how are you coming on the scavenger hunt? Mary of Mary's Musings posted a very nice recap here - check out how she dealt with the lack of mailboxes in the UK!


  1. Hi Rinda, I hope you are having a fabulous time on holiday! Did you get caught in that rain? England seems wet this week! I'm having a catch up this morning, it's always good to read what you have been up to and check out some more Scavenger Hunt photos. I'll be posting some of mine soon too. Keep on holidaying..

  2. Ooh, does that mean you're in England now? Hope you're having fun.

    The scavenger hunt is a good idea -I haven't been around much recently, so I've missed this so far - but I may try and join in now!

    Love the photos - those drummers look loud and exciting!

  3. My sister used to plya with a taiko Drum Group! Great photos.
