Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Elements ATC 2 and Last Call for Pass the Book

I'm participating in an ATC swap where we are doing all the elements of the periodic table. We're doing them in several phases, and there are 12 participants. So, we each end up covering about 7 elements each.  I already posted my card for Ruthenium here.  Here's my ATC for element #87 Francium. It's a metal of fleeting nature with a half-life of 22 minutes. There's less than an ounce of it in the earth's crust at a time.  My elements for next round are Curium and Berillium!
Also, I'll be doing the draw for my Pass the Book: "Still Missing" on Saturday. So, go back to this post and let me know if you want a chance to receive it in the mail.


  1. Love your choice of image to go with this element,Rinda.

  2. so clever with the multiple relevance of the words - love the purple with metallic combo
