Thursday, July 14, 2011

2011 Intentions, Resolutions and OLW Mid-Year Reflection

This year, I have been keeping three different art journals about my intentions, resolutions and one little word for 2011. You can read more about my project and see my pages by clicking on the label below marked "2011 intentions." I invited others to join in, and I see that (at least) Mel, Karen, and Pippa are continuing with the project. What about the rest of you?  Am I missing anyone?
My first art journal is my Intentions Journal, and it focuses on my intention to be "Fabulous at 50." My June page is above. It uses the same Tim Holtz technique I used for my Grungy Monday post last week, and the journaling reads "In June, I was fabulous because I reclaimed my art time - working in plaster and photography." The page features some of the new Dina Wakley stamps from Stampington. Aren't they awesome??? You can check them out here. I feel like I've done well with this Intention. I am feeling very empowered these days; I think it's all about attitude.
My second art journal focuses on 12 specific resolutions for 2011.  So far, I've accomplished five and half of them: travel outside the US (well, soon); learn photoshop elements (at least made a start); submit book proposal and finish work projects (that's the half); try portrait photography; work on heritage album; and learn to better use my ipad. Still to go: keep a record of the books I read; create estate plan; settle parents's estate; organize, purge and don't buy supplies (I've actually been very good on the don't buy part); finish existing projects (probably need to make this more specific); and learn to better utilize my car features. I think the next two I will do will be the books and the car. And I'd like to get organized and purged before I go back to school in mid-August. Those shouldn't be too hard. I always put off the estate planning stuff. Sigh.
My third art journal focuses on my one little word for 2011: health. I'm doing very well on many aspects of this - especially getting stronger and fitter; eater better; losing weight; and being less stressed. The things I still need to work on are the more medical - getting to a doctor for a check-up, going to the dentist, etc. That should be doable for the fall.
So, overall, I'm feeling pretty good about staying on track with by intentions, resolutions and one little word for 2011. How about you?


  1. My one little word - rhythm - is still in focus in my daily life but I need to make some plans for specific actions for the next half of the year

    And I've added another post for the summer photo scavenger hunt - cemetry with historic significance and a story

  2. Love June! You are doing great keeping track and on task with your journaling! awesomeness

  3. Cooool, soooo fun to see the stamps in motion! Awesome! TFS!

  4. Your colours and the stamps are just a perfect combination! Wonderful page.

  5. Love the artwork! I'm going on ok with my plans for the year so far

  6. Love the colors and the art work on this page. That quote stamp is fabulous! I'd never seen those before. I've done a great job this month of keeping up with current projects, but as I noted in June, finishing the old projects has taken a back seat the last two months. We're off for nearly three weeks of vacation soon, so my update won't be until the end of August. You are doing a fabulous job, and you really took on a lot for this year.

  7. Love your piece of art here Rinda :) June was a good month but I'm afraid July is not so productive. I look forward to my vacation in 1 week as I need some time to rest... P.S. I received your mail art and it made me smile... Thank you so much!

  8. My little word is PURPOSE. Just when I figure out my "purpose" it changes. I guess my purpose is to be flexible. hee hee. xoxo tammy lee
