Thursday, June 2, 2011

Waiting Patiently

Gypsy: "Mom, when are you going to be done with all that end-of-the-term grading and article writing and conference travel so we can go for a walk?"
Me:  "Soon, very soon. But then I'm going to spend a little time blogging and visiting my friends' blogs because I miss them very much."
Gypsy: "Okay. I'll just take a little nap then."
Back soon with my end of May "2011 Resolutions, Intentions, and One Little Word" posts, a wrap up on my Houston Memory cards project, my Counterfeit Smash Book/Sketchbook Project, Storytelling Sunday and all kinds of other good stuff!


  1. gypsy is so cute. don't miss that end of year marking marathon

  2. gypsy does look like a very patient friend. i am still waiting for the lazy days of summer that haven't shown up for me yet! hope you get some time for that walk very soon.

  3. Gorgeous photos. Hope you manage to get all your work done soon.

  4. How sweet Gypsy is. She is being a good girl waiting for you. I love talking to my family pet members. Great post Rinda. Have a great rest of the week.

  5. Thank you for visiting me today! I guessed you must be caught up in end of the year stuff and I hope you get finished up very soon.

  6. poor Gypsy. I think you need a break from grading and some quality time with Gypsy!

  7. Oh Rinda, how cute is this post! We've been missing you too, but like Gypsy we'll be patient till your jobs are done xx

  8. What an adorable puppy! And we're waiting patiently . . . I do remember the end of term rush of activity . . .and don't miss it!

  9. Gypsy is so adorable. Give her a hug for me and take her out for her walk she deserves it for waiting so patiently.
