Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summertime Photography & Snapshot Scavenger Hunt

Yea! My exams are graded and turned in, so my summer can officially begin.  To celebrate, I completed the page above in my smashbook sketchbook (and, yes, I did this one in less than ten minutes). The page started with a bird transparency stapled in the corner. I added a piece of patterned paper, to which I added my favorite summertime saying and some ink around the edge.  I then tucked two feathers(which I found on my Chinatown outing) into the transparency pocket and called it done.
Also, to celebrate the start of summer, I'm announcing a summer-long photography and snapshot scavenger hunt! I really hope you'll join me and play along. Last summer, my crafty friend "Young Nancy" would occasionally post photographs on her blog that were part of a Summertime Snapshot Scavenger Hunt. The blog for last summer's hunt with their list can be found at this link. The idea intrigued me, so I decided that this summer I would try my hand at hosting one.
The rules are very simple:
1.  By June 20, choose a team of family or friends. Email me (or post a comment below) listing your team members (of course you can use pseudonymous if you are concerned about privacy).  This date is flexible if you want to join later.
2. On June 21 (the first day of summer), I will post a list of scavenger hunt items. There will be 21 items on the list.  You will have until September 23 (the first day of fall) to photograph as many of the items as you can find. Please do not stage or "doctor" a photo.  The idea is to have fun finding each of these things.
3. There will be three different divisions for participants:
A. Snapshot Division.  This is for those of you who want a pure scavenger hunt. Your mission is to find each thing on the list. To prove you found it, each photograph must contain at least one member of your team.
B. Photography Division. Each photograph must contain the item, but you do not have to include a team member. This is for those of you who want to show off your photography skills.
C. Overachiever Division (snapshot and photography). You send in two photographs for each item on the list - one with a team member in the photo and one emphasizing your photography skills.
4. On September 23, send me all 21 (or 42) of your photos, with a caption that includes the item from the list, the name (or nickname) of the team member in the photo, and a short description of where you found the item. I encourage you to post photos on your blog as you find them or send me a copy.  Every week or so, I'll post a compilation of some of the shots.
5. Of course there will be prizes! The prize for the Snapshot Division is a gift card for MPIX to get your photos developed and a mini album (made my me!) in which to put your 21 photographs.  The prize for the Photography Division is a larger gift card to my favorite photo processing site (MPIX), sufficient to order an 8x8 "standout" of your favorite photograph.  The prize for the Overachiever Divsion will be a free pass into a Shimelle class (either "My Freedom" or a new fall class if she is offering one by then). The winner will be the team which finds the most items on the list.  If there is a tie, I will draw a winner at random.
6.  Anyone, in any country, can play.  Even if you're in the southern hemisphere and heading in to winter not summer. I'll try to keep that in mind when drafting the scavenger hunt list.
I think that's it.  Sign up below if your interested or email me at rinda1961@yahoo.com. Also, please feel free to post any questions you have. I think this is going to be really fun!


  1. sounds lots of fun, I'm in. I intend to just do the photographer division, so I take it I do not need to send you details of a team

  2. Well ok then, I will certainly see what I can do ... I might be a lone ranger in this one though ... seven and four year olds could come in handy, possibly? ;-)

  3. I might be able to join in the photography part...don't think I'd be able to coerce a team though!!

  4. No I don't think I'd be able to coerce a team either. We're a bit all over the place this summer with people coming and going and different trips arranged. I'll keep it in mind and see what I can work out - I love the idea!

  5. Love the idea Rinda...but like the others it will be a solo project in your Photography section, I'm thinking (not that I have any skills in that area to show off, but it would be easier than trying to take a pic with me in it!)
    Alison xx

  6. I'm in for the Photographer's division. I'll be spending lots of time with my husband this summer, but I don't think he'd like to be in every photo! Great fun, Rinda!

  7. Congrats on finishing your grading!

    I'd like to play along with the scavenger hunt. Like others, I'll be playing solo in the photography division.

  8. your summer page is like an invitation to the season. i would also like to participate in the scavenger hunt. my team will be my family members (they don't know it yet!)

  9. Love the idea but don't have any willing volunteers for a team!

  10. i'm going to play along, but probably not on a team.. what fun!! :D

    Mariana in CA

  11. What an aweomse idea! I'll have to think about which challenge I want to compete in! :)

  12. Your pages are exceptional! I wish I was and artist like you!!!!

  13. Rinda this sounds like a fab idea though not sure if I can get a team together but may try and get the family to play along!!! xxx

  14. First of all, you did your piece in ten minutes, I am IMPRESSED, Rinda!

    Your scavenger hunt sounds like fun, I've never heard of this before. I'm a terrible photographer but maybe I'll try to play :)

  15. This sounds like a great idea, Rinda. If I join in (depending on my surgery etc.) I'll probably do it alone. It is very very tempting.

  16. I would love to join. I'm working on getting a team coerced. This sounds like fun!

  17. First off, congrats on completing the year! And happy summer time to you, Rinda!!!

    I'll have to think on this challenge... My summer is looking fairly busy with our upcoming move, but that might also present opportunities for photos to be taken. :o) xo

  18. Beautiful page! Count me in. I will convince my sisters to play along with me. We all live in different states, so that should widen our chances of finding everything on the list. (I hope.) Sounds like fun!

  19. Well done on finishing your grading. Your page is lovely. A great summer challenge - I might try and play along although not sure if I have any willing volunteers.

  20. I'll join in Rinda! It will remind me to keep taking pics of things other than just a million photos of baby due on July 7th! I'll play along with the snapshot division, assuming my team members can just be my hubby and my kids. Should be fun! x

  21. Sounds like fun, - include me in the photography division.

  22. I'm up for it, and would have said so sooner if my computer had let me!! My team will be The Melsh Contingent, though I can't yet be sure how many of The Doctor, The Boy and the Tomboy will definitely be persuaded to join in.... C sounds like a category made for those of us who like to overcomplicate things by doing several versions of every project, so I guess that's me then! ;) Thanks for putting this together, I'm very much looking forward to it xx

  23. Hi Rinda,

    Ok, I'm not much of a photographer but I'll give it a go :) Just me no team members.

  24. Hi Rinda, Oh I'm always late on these things! Please can I join in? I'll be a lone 'photographer' too.
