Friday, May 27, 2011

An Eerie Houston Memory Card and Praise for CKCB

I have really had a great time this month playing along with the Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog (CKCB).  It was exactly the inspiration I needed to get moving on my heritage/genealogy scrapbook and to record some special childhood memories of trips to visit relatives in Houston, Texas.  I enjoyed the fun of putting together the counterfeit kit (see my post here) and participating in two of their mini-challenges (see post here and here).  Tomorrow is another special event - a blog hop where participants will share a link to a favorite scrapbooking company and a project inspired by something from that link.  I hope you'll stop by and check it out.
In the meantime, here's my latest Houston Memory card.  It has to do with my Uncle Felix (my mother's brother) and Aunt Helen.  Making these cards has made me realize that I feel a unique bond with each of my various aunts and uncles and their families.  For their family, the bond comes from the fact that several of their children were the same age as me or my brothers and sisters, so we had a lot in common.  They also came to visit us a few times in California, so we were even closer.  Also, their oldest son, "Little Felix" actually moved to California, and he would attend family holiday dinners with us.  I have many fond memories and stories about him, but those will need to shared another day.  
This memory card recalls a summer in Houston, and it reads "There was a cemetery behind my Uncle Felix and Aunt Helen's house.  We would scare ourselves silly daring each other to creep out there at midnight."


  1. I love this project of yours! I'm only sorry I haven't been able to comment on each card individually :)

  2. I can just imagine all you children doing that,Rinda!! Another great memory saved.

  3. Another lovely memory card Rinda.I'm really enjoying following these :-)

  4. Oooh, this is a great reminder of a story I have about a cemetery and some friends of mine not believing I wasn't spooked by the gravestones at night - I think many of us have played that sort of game!

    This is another great card and don't you love it when you are on a roll of inspiration?! :-)

  5. I love going to cemeteries and looking at the old gravestones. I haven't done that in a while. I'd like to take pix of the old stones. Your projects are great and seems you are always busy. Great memories. Take care and have a great weekend.

  6. Another great memory. We did the same kind of thing growing up, sneaking down to the cemetery after dark and trying to spook ourselves! I'd forgotten about it. Thanks for the memory!

  7. big families are really a thing of the past these days, it seems. i love the color combinations you put together.

  8. Creepy! When my sister and I were that age we used to dare ourselves to get a book about ghosts out of the library and then we scared ourselves silly.

  9. Love reading your memories of Houston.
