Saturday, April 9, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday (4/10)

I'm participating in the Sunday Scavenger Hunt again this week. I really like how this challenge forces encourages me to take my camera out, while giving me enough time to ponder what to shoot during the week.  Five also feels like the right number of photographs to take and feature.  Finally, I like the versatility of this challenge.  Last week, I featured pictures that I felt captured a bit of my life right now.  This week, I tried to work on my photography skills a bit more. Remember, you can click on any of them to enlarge and get a better sense of the photograph.  This week, I particularly recommend it for the "many" and perspective pictures.  This week's topics are:  Motion; Waiting to Click; In Fashion; Animal's Perspective; and Many.  Next week's topics will be Time, Poem/Poetry, Outside, Zoom! and Isolation.
For Motion:
My tendency is to avoid blur, and focus instead on stopping action when I take pictures of motion (especially related to sports).  For this one, I decided to capture Gypsy with a bit of blur. She's about to grab one of her toys.  I still think I prefer stop-action but it's good to experiment.  I also think I need a second person to get better action photos of the dog.

For Waiting to Click - This is Tom, my friend Katie's son, diving back into first base so he won't get picked-off trying to steal. There's a definite waiting to click story behind these three photos, besides the obvious one of having to wait for this particular moment.  Tom is the catcher on my son's baseball team. He does not get to run the bases often because a pinch runner will often be put in his place so he can return to the dug out and get his catcher's gear back on.  Katie is one of those friends who really appreciates it when I give her pictures of her son playing baseball.  So, I wanted to get some of him on the basepath.  It took a little bit of patience, but it was worth it.
For In Fashion:
I have a dear friend whose mom is battling cancer right now.  I wear this teal bracelet in support of her and her family.  I was thinking about the "high key" prompt from last week when I was taking this.  It's not a high key photograph, but I do like how it turned out nonetheless.  If you're the praying type, I know they'd appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
For Animal's Perpective - I toyed with a few possibilities. Starting with what the cat sees when she stares out the window (I was hoping to catch a couple of birds sitting on the eave of the roof, which is what she is always hoping to catch, too, but alas no birds):
I also took this one, which is Gypsy's perspective (she follows me around all the time and I just realized this is what she must see - LOL!):
I finally settled on this photography, which I think captures an animal's perspective by hopefully letting you imagine what's going on inside her head as she stares out at the world:
For Many (we have too many weeds in our lawn!):
There you have it!  I enjoyed focusing on these each week. The funny thing is that some photographs could easily be switched - Tom could be motion; the weeds could be animal's perspective; and, given how much time I waited for the damn non-appearing birds, that could definitely have been "waiting to click."
Thanks for stopping by.  Let me know if you have a favorite and whether you're playing along. 


  1. My favourite is definitely the last one - love how there are two flowers in focus and the rest are beautifuly blurred - makes weeds look good!

  2. I love the one of Gypsy's face. My first time doing the scavenger hunt - before this week there was always one that stumped me

  3. I always love your sports photos; I wish I had had a good camera when my kids were so involved in sports. But my favorite is the photo of the weeks. If only our weeds were so pretty!

  4. I'm torn between the daisies and Gypsy's face! All great pics though
    Alison xx

  5. All of these photos are awesome, Rinda. Of course, I'm partial to that lovely teal bracelet you're sporting these days {thank you SO much!!!} but I do LOVE that black and white photo of your sweet Gypsy.

    I had to laugh about you waiting for the birds to come around. I think that's the universal law of photography - they're there when you don't have your camera in hand, and gone when you do. :o)

  6. Great photos Rinda especially the daisies - in fact I've used it as my desktop background!! xx

  7. And now you have those fab photos, they are there ready to be used for all sorts of purposes!

    I'm wearing my bracelet too. Definitely a must have fashion item.

  8. I LOVE the baseball pictures! I'm makes me excited for when my children are old enough to enjoy team sports =)

  9. I really love your last shot - gorgeous, but I also love your in fashion and what you said about it.

  10. I tend to try to avoid blurred shots as well, but they can be just as important as the stop-motion. You did a great job this week!

  11. Great posr, and your " many" is so beautiful ;))

  12. Great pictures! I love your last one!

  13. Good to visit your blog again! You have some very great pics--love the daisy shot and the dog! Well done! Also, your fashion statement is very appreciated by our family! Welcome to Team Teal!

    Marti - Mom to Deb@PaperTurtle

  14. I love your sports photos and you definately capture the moment x

  15. i can tell how this challenge forces you to take different perspectives and think "outside the box" which is always a good exercise for creativity!
