Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Let's Talk the Process of Scrapbooking

On Saturday, I went to an all day crop with some of the friends I have met through the West Coast Club Scrap group.  It was so much fun, I made this art journal page about it!
It was also very productive.  I got 15 pages done. I'll try and share some over the next few days.  As I was packing for the crop on Friday, I began thinking about my process for scrapbooking and how it has changed over time.  These days I only scrap once a month or so, and it's usually at a crop of some kind (a group of friends getting together to craft/scrapbook).  I rarely pull out my scrapbooking stuff on my own; I'm much more inclined to do art journaling when I have a time at home.  I also tend to prepare what I call "page kits."  I'll select the pictures I want to scrap and put them in a bag with the paper and embellishments I plan to use.  That way when I get to a crop, I have (most of ) what I need.  Often, I will also put the sketch in the bag which I plan to use.  My favorite sketch tool are the idea decks of cars from Club Scrap which tell you how many of each size paper you need and where to make the cuts to create the sketch.   Of course, I feel free to improvise once I get started!  Club Scrap also has a wonderful tool/process they call "Assembly Line Scrapbooking," where you create blank layouts with their coordinated paper.  Then, when it comes time to crop, you simply match up pictures with existing blank layouts.  I know it sounds like it wouldn't work, but, trust me, it does.  So, that's where I'm at these days with my process.  It's quick and efficient. I like the pages I complete and really like the fact that they're completed.  They're not as creative as my pages used to be, but I channel my creativity into my other interests.
I'm curious to hear about the process that you use to scrapbook. . . please share!


  1. Another fab page, Rinda! :-)

    My scrapbooking process varies, but lately I find that a sketch gets me started. Joining a kit club recently has also helped, as I have sets of cardstock and papers at the ready.

    I've never made a page for adding a photo in later, but this is the second time I've come across this idea - I might have to give it a go!

  2. I wrote a post about doing that for the kit club I design for - I think that's where Mel saw it :)

    !5 pages is an amazing achievement. I try to do a little bit of scrapbboking every day, but even then it's about 2 pages a week I average. In fact I was just thinking to myself - why did I ask if people wanted to see more scrapbbooking, because I don't think I have time to do any more!

  3. I have yet to make an ATC or Scrapbook page! Your design, of course, is beautiful! Can't even imagine doing 15 pages!

  4. I started scrapbooking my pictures then put it away for a while. It is hard to get back to it. I think I should join a group to get me inspired. In reading your blogs, I get the sense that you are well organized. Organization is my biggest problem which is why I do not get much accomplished. I am jealous of your organizational skills.

  5. There is just no way I could make 15 pages in a day!!!! However hard I try to do 'simple' I just can't manage it!!!
    I don't have a crop near me, but do scrap with 2 friends regularly...and much prefer scrapping with others....and if we're at one of their houses....I do prepare a 'page kit' to take with me....but tend to start with the photo and build the kit from that. I also like using sketches....but not all the time.

  6. I go in spurts. I like to print my photos at home so I can size them for the page design. I like to start with a sketch or a design of a page I've saved from the internet. Right now, on the House album, I'm stuck with old 4X6 prints which I'm finding rather restrictive. I've been cropping some of them as much as I can, both to improve the page design and the photograph.

    I've just finished making a Scrapbook for the Road (Ali Edward's class). I just love how it's come together, and I'll be able to work on it while we're traveling, and add photos when we return.

  7. 15 pages in a day :-o How do you do that???!!! I'm thrilled if I go to a crop and do three!
    I prefer to have an idea to follow or a sketch to adapt, I'm still not confident enough to totally do my own thing. I certainly scrapbook the most at the crops that I go to.

  8. i really like your idea about making page kits! my sister and i used to go to a scrapbook camp up in montana that was wonderful. i always got so much done (for my nieces and nephews) but it no longer exists. i need to find a new way/place/group to motivate me now.

  9. Your scrapbooking process sounds very good. 15 pages in one day, wow, that's a lot! I very very seldom scrapbook these days, I rather play with paint, canvas or in my art journal. It's interesting how this has evolved over the past years. I like it.

  10. I'm a digi person so physically there isn't much for me to do except turn on the computer. After that I find a photo or a kit I like, then find a kit or photo to use with it, then I browse my template stash to find one I like. Then I assemble the page.

    I tag photos 'to be scrapped' in Lightroom so I can pull them up easily & tag my kits by color so I can find something easily.

  11. 15 pages is amazing - I usually manage 2 or 3 at a day-long crop. I do scrap at home though. Like you I put together page kits wth photos and papers - I always have more of these than time to scrap them. It's my favourite part of the process - selecting materials. On that note, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the bumper bag of ephemera. I came home from holiday last night to find a parcel waiting for me. It's an extremely generous gift. I've never used bingo cards / tickets (except for real ones)before so looking forward to them taking my scrapping in a more vintage direction. I am going to have to cave in and buy some distress inks now, aren't I?
    THANKS again Rinda

  12. Like you, I tend to only scrap about once a month, at our Scrap Club; my energy goes into making my books when I'm at home.
    I have never managed anything like 15 pages! This month, I managed one full-sized page, but several pages of a mini-album. Last month I managed 3 pages, which is pretty good going for me!
    I have never tried making pages in anticipation of photos... seems a bit inside-out to me! I do appreciate sketches though; I have used some Pencil Lines ones, some of Shimelle's, some from Scrapbook Inspirations and a few I designed myself, in quiet moments. They are helpful, especially if I want to "get it done"! It is also very helpful to take the main items I need for a layout, in a "kit". I now make a point of setting this up the evening before I go to a crop. It saves carting loads of stuff (I do still take plain cardstock and a box of embellishments & lettering, plus ribbon and lace sometimes), also means I am ready to get started straight away - rather than spend all morning messing around with this and that, but getting nothing done!

  13. My process varies, but I usually start with a sketch, either Pencillines, Becky Fleck or recently Scrapology. If I am going to a crop I do make up page kits like you do. Most of my scrapping is done at home though and I just pull papers out as I need them.

    15 pages completed! That is fantastic! Looking forward to seeing some of them on your blog.
