Saturday, February 5, 2011

When I Grow Up . . . (a story)

This is a "story book" I wrote for a Shimelle class called "When I Grow Up." I plan to use Sian's story telling Sundays as a way to finish up the art journal I'm making for the class. 
Once upon a time, there was a little girl.  When she grew up, she wanted to be a veterinarian because she had 52 cats and loved them all.  When she was a little bigger, she wanted to be a spy, so she could be just like Harriet.
When she was eight, she discovered that she wanted to be a photographer because she mailed away cereal box tops to get her first camera.
When she went to high school, she decided to become an architect because she liked to draw and plan.  She also thought about being a choreographer because she loved ballet but knew she really wasn't a very good dancer. When she grew up, she wanted to be tall and pretty, so she could have a boyfriend.
When she was in college, she wanted to be a photojournalist because she had gone to San Francisco to buy her first SLR camera and learned to develop black and white film.
In college, she decided to become a lawyer when she grew up because everyone said she would.
When she was in college, she thought about being a rock 'n' roll drummer and maybe an artist . . . just because.
After law school, she wanted to be an arbitrator, professor or author when she grew up because practicing law was kind of boring.
The older she got, the more she realized that, when she grew up, she really, really, really wanted to be a mom, so she could share her life and her love with her children.
When she got older, she no longer wanted to drum, but she really wanted to make art . . . because she realized she needed to.
And when she grew up, she was loved forever - just for being who she was - by a tall, dark, handsome man;
she became mom to the two most beautiful children in the world;
she taught and wrote about the law with passion; and
she took photographs and happily traveled the road to becoming an artist.
The End


  1. 52 real live cats!???? I thought we were doing well when the number totalled 17 - that is impressive!
    I think that girl grew up to have a very happy life by the sounds of things :-)

  2. Beautiful story! I love it - and you have inspired me to write something similar because it's such a perfect way of getting down those thoughts which are hard to form in a more formal written way.

    Thank you for joining Storytelling Sunday today Rinda and for giving me something to think about.

  3. A story with a happy ending is such a nice way to start my Sunday. Love the idea of a dancing, photographing spy.

  4. Wonderful story,Rinda......with the perfect ending.

  5. i love the way u have set this out, such a beautiful story. i always only had 3 choices as a child and as long as i can remember nurse, teacher or opera singer.
    Jo xxxx

  6. Great story told so well. I think you've got us all thinking about how our hopes and dreams have changed as we've grown up. Very thought provoking.

  7. Fab way to journal growing up and realising that you have it all - great story.

  8. Such a lovely story, Rinda :-) I loved that class from Shimelle, and I love the minibook I made from it - yours is very different in style but I love your version too! xx

  9. Wonderful story and a perfect ending!

  10. Love your story! Gave me goosebumps all over! You are an amazing woman, Mom, and artist! WOOT WOOT!

  11. Ah, I love this story, Rinda. Except that I think "the end" is actually "the middle"... ;o) Well done, my friend!

  12. Great story ... but, 52 cats? Really?

  13. Love how you wrote this. It gives me some ideas for a book of me. :)
    52 cats?? All at the same time? We had enough trouble with one. :)

  14. I love your story - and what a happy ending :)

  15. What a lovely story Rinda, and it looks like she grew up perfectly and ended up exceedingly happy so far! 52 cats ? wow x

  16. wonderful, Rind!!! i can totally see all of that!

    Mariana in CA

  17. Wonderful. You are an artist. I love watching your journey and reading your stories. xo tam

  18. Enjoyed reading your story and noticing all the changes in your dreams!

  19. I don't get to visit often but when I do, you are always so inspiring Rinda, lovely story.

  20. What a great true to life story! But the cats, wow, 52 eh?

  21. It sounds like the girl grew up to be the happiest little girsl possible. Thanks for sharing x

  22. what a wonderful story, a wonderful life. i got tears in my eyes while reading it. i do love a story with a happy ending.

  23. I loved reading your progression of "when I grow up". I love how you expressed the changing views, as we all change as we grow and mature. This is a wonderful example of those natural progressions. Well donw!

  24. What a lovely story, Rinda. And such a happy ending - I think that little girl grew up into a very happy, content woman. but - 52 cats??? Oh my....

  25. Sounds like a fairy tale, with a very happy ending. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Fabulous story, and a wonderful, happy ending!

  27. What a fun, fun story! Does this reflect real life at all? Or is it purely for fun? Either way, it's a great story!
