Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Of fairies and mermaids and pass the book

While blog reading the other day, I came across a questionnaire which included the question, "Do you believe in fairies?"  I paused and realized that I don't.  While I believe in ghosts and other spirits . . . fairies? Not so much.  Fairies have been on my mind, as I was thinking about getting artistic inspiration from my current pass-the-book, Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book.  I made the card above, in which I feel like I pressed my own fairy behind some acrylic. That card and the book will be going out to . . . (insert drum roll) . . .
Laurie of the Lone Black Bird and Black Bird Flies blog! Email me your mailing address Laurie, and I will put those in the post to you. You can email me at
Interestingly, while I don't believe in fairies, I do believe in mermaids, and I was inspired to make this pressed mermaid card:
Interesting because, when I thought about it, maybe mermaids are just water-borne fairies! In any event, if you would like to receive my pressed mermaid card, simply add a comment about whether you believe in fairies and/or mermaids.  I'll pick a winner this weekend.
In other news, the wonderful Sian, originator of Pass the Book ordered Amazon to send me a new copy of the mail art book, and it arrived yesterday! I'll check it out and offer it up in the not too distant future.


  1. Reminds me of Wendy from Peter Pan - "I do believe in Fairies... Oh, I doooo believe in Fairies..."

    It's supposed to be "bad luck" to say you don't believe in fairies, Rinda!

    Love the tags - really lovely.

  2. Interesting post, Rinda. I can't say as I "believe" in fairies or mermaids, but I love the whimsical idea of them, that's for sure. Your pieces are great!

  3. Ssshhhh Rinda the fairies are listening!! xx

  4. Don't actually believe in either of them....but do love the idea of them.....especially flower fairies.
    I really like your 'pressed' fairy.

  5. i am just thrilled to be receiving end of this book! thanks, rinda. seeing my name in your post made me as happy as winning the lottery. and i can't wait to see the card you made up close. i will pass the book on as well after reading it. :-)

  6. don't know if I believe or not just lkeep thinking about dr who and the episode involving fairies when they were quite nasty but I am sure if they do exist we all have one special one x

  7. I am telling the tooth fairy on you! Bad girl. :) hugs and puppy kisses. xo tam

  8. Oh dear, I another non-believer but like Jacky and Deb I love the thought of them!

  9. WHAT!!!!???? you DONT BELIEVE IN FAIRIES!!!??? (shakes head in disappointment) :D one of my favorite stamps that i rarely get to use says "Not believe in Santa Claus? You might as well not believe in fairies" ... tsk tsk tsk Rinda :D


  10. I want to believe in fairies, does that count? Beautiful images Rinda.

  11. I believe in fairies. I'm sure I saw a glimpse of one once.

    I run a course for kids called 'funtastic fairies' where we talk about the origins of fairy lore, and what sort of adaptions they would have to make to live in today's world. Then the kids all come up with their own fairy eg. the 'disco fairy', the 'recycle fairy' or the 'starlight fairy'. They make wings and write stories for them.

    I'm sure fairies are out there, just very good at hiding! x

  12. I'm dubious about fairies but that has more to do with the fairy fanatics I know than the fairies themselves. Sometimes I just have a knee jerk reaction against something when a bunch of people are so insanely for that thing.
