Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mail Art & a little catch-up

I received my "real" pass the book from Sian last week - Good Mail Day - and it's been an interesting read so far.  I had mostly thought of Mail Art or Postal Art as being a matter of decorating envelopes or packages (like the one I sent off to Laurie, above).  But it's about a lot more.  
It's about creating all sorts of fun things to pop into the mail and about establishing relationships through through the mail, in much the same ways as my blog has allowed me to create relationships through the internet.  I'm going to keep the book for a bit more before I send it on, but I'm enjoying it so far.
In other news, DD Clara and her basketball team did this:
They had a great season, going 12-1.  Unfortunately, their one loss was in the championship game.  Still, I'm very proud of the whole group!  DS Henry's soccer team is doing quite well.  They're in second place, one point behind the leaders (who they play on Wednesday) and one point ahead of the third place team.  It should be a tight race to the end of the season.  Other than that, we've been having a homey couple of weeks.  DH celebrated his birthday:
And my big accomplishment today was to clean up my craft area.  It had really gotten out of control! Once again, in doing so, I realized that I have A LOT of stuff!  I really need to get some scrapping done, if for no other reason, than to use up some of my paper.  What have you been up to?


  1. What fun it would be to get a package like the one in your photo! I rarely think to decorate a package I mail, but I'll try to keep it in mind. The book looks interesting.

    I've had more time at home recently so I've been busier in the studio than usual, but I also need to get some scrapbooking done. When we were at Archivers in Atlanta I bought NO paper. There's no way I'll ever use up all the paper I own, and I give away paper every time I go through it!

  2. I am so glad that the replacement turned up! I wonder where the original has got to? It might even make its way back here

  3. What a fun post, Rinda. Lots of lovely things happening in your corner of the world. How nice to have your craft room all tidy. Mine is nice and neat right now - just a perfect setting for a whirlwind to come through and make a lovely new mess.

    Enjoy! xo

  4. The book looks wonderful and inspiring, Rinda...hope it comes to me at some point.
    And if you look at the previous post you'll see I've been busy with my art journal!!!!

  5. Your package looks wonderful! How great to receive that in the post! Well done for cleaning up your craft area. I spent this weekend cleaning the house, and crafting. I managed to create 7 layouts which I was really pleased with as I loved all of them, which is unusual for me!

  6. again, i am swooning at the anticipation of your package! it's beautiful and i probably won't even want to open it. i love the idea of "real mail" - i still have a pen-pal i got from a comic book ad when i was in second grade! we have never met but continue to write. i am also cleaning up my craft room and hope to post photos of it soon (before i mess it up again!)

  7. Hooray for Sian :-) I hope the original does turn up one day, I wonder where it is?

    The book sounds really interesting so I'm glad you got to see it in the end :-) Can't wait to hear what other inspiration you take from it! xx
