Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Snow Queen and My Two Elves

The challenge this week over at the Gingersnap Creations challenge blog is a supply challenge for white glitter. I created this Snow Queen card with all kinds of different embossing glitters, and I love how she turned out.  Over the years, I've taught several embossing classes and learned a few things. When I use glitter or other metallic embossing powders, I tend to use "the ultimate glue pad" as my wet embossing agent.  If the glitter is particularly fine, I start by heating the paper from underneath to begin the melting process.  That keeps the powder or glitter from blowing away when it gets hit with the first blast of hot air from your heat gun.
In other December news, a recent Shimelle prompt focused on "A Tale of Two Christmases."  I've adapted this to document what my two elves are up to in December - one's playing soccer and the other's playing basketball. They have games or practices most every week day.  Here's Henry right before the start of his first preseason game:
Henry was pleased to be named to the Varsity team as a sophomore (it's usally only Juniors and Seniors), so he was not expecting a lot of playing time.  Imagine his surprise when he was actually called upon to start the game! He's really looking forward to the season.  It's not a great picture, and I might take another one for my December JYC, but I do like that it captures the very second before the start of that very first varsity game.
And my other little elf is busy playing basketball:

She was thrilled to make the "A" team, and so far they are undefeated.  Again, not a great picture, but it sortof captures the blur of my life right now - I am attending either a soccer game or a basketball game 8 out of the 10 school days during this two week period! Not very Christmassy, I know, but definitely a big part of my life in December.


  1. Well, life still happens around Christmas doesn't it? I like both the shots and it sounds like you are having a very busy and exciting time!

  2. As Amy still goes's just that we need more hours in the day in December!!!

  3. What a fantastic sporty pair of elves you've got there!

    Rinda, I need one of your classes - I have yet to try any kind of embossing and it really does sound like the kind of thing would be easier with a teacher to start off with.

  4. That's great news about Henry and Clara with their teams. They are doing so well with their sports. I bet you're proud of them!

    That's a fancy, glittery tag there - very "Rinda" too, with the stamped image.. even if a bit more "blingy" than normal!

  5. Awesome news on the sports front!

    Love your sparkly card!

  6. Congrats to both your bairns on their sporting achievements! :-) I've just been catching up on all your recent posts, Rinda, so sorry I haven't time to comment on all of them, but I have enjoyed reading them, admiring your tags and projects (and I love Willow Tree ornaments!)

  7. That is a lot of activity! Love the snow queen!
