Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Cards

During December, I look forward to going to the mailbox everyday because I love receiving Christmas cards.  I love photo cards which show me what everyone looks like these days, and I love receiving newsletters letting me know what everyone has been up to.  During December, I keep them in a wonderful basket so that we can look at them throughout the month.  Later on, I scrap all the pictures in my Christmas card album.
This year, I made a few simple Christmas cards using the custom stamp pad I created for my Day 2 Tim Holtz tag.  I'll be sending this to a few crafty friends:
But most people will be receiving this photo card:
I hope to work on getting these out this weekend.  I'm not sure if I'll include a Christmas letter this year or not.  I probably will because I know how much I love to receive them. What do you do with the Christmas cards you receive?  And what do you send out?


  1. Please do because I love receiving them too! Beautiful cards! Both of them!

  2. I've made photo cards this year as well - I say do whatever is easiest for you to manage as the family photo is lovely as is!

  3. All our xmas cards get hung up on the wall...and after xmas I keep the handmade ones....and recycle the rest.
    I do send a xmas letter with some of my you, I love receiving them.

  4. i loooooooove both ur cards maria. the family shot is perfect you all look so happy, sunny and beachy for christmas. i love receiving cards, i generally hang them up or put them on the bookcase. this year i have some cute pegs i'm gonna try out. i am sending bought cards, i know shocking eh, but i am making a couple for my parents and lil sis,
    Jo xxxx

  5. Such a happy card! We'll be lucky if wee get any sent this year ... May have to email and send a letter attached. :)

  6. First, that is an awesome picture of your post office box, Rinda. :o)

    Love both of your cards!!! I made a few this year to send to crafty friends, but I don't normally send out a lot of cards. Once Christmas is done I will make a scrapbook page using bits and pieces and squares from each card to create a collage. It's a fun way to preserve my favorites (especially those with photos)!

  7. It's an absolutely beautiful photo! I love photo cards - but there really is no tradition of sending them here. I was really intrigued the first time I got one from an American friend! They are such a perfect way of letting the friends you don't see very often know how your family has grown over the past year.

    I am about to sit down and write a couple of Christmas letters this afternoon - I exchange news still with a few old school friends and their cards to me are very much cherished from one year to the next.

    It's nice to see your mailbox too - did your Pass The book arrive yet?

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love the card you made. And you have a beautiful family! We don't get many cards anymore--price of postage??? instant email???? I now make a few cards to send to family who live far away.

  9. As Sian says, photo cards are not well known over here, but it is fun to see how families change.
    I need to start thinking about card sending very soon ....

  10. Maria love your card, it shows a very happy family. In the past I have sent bought cards. Just last year I sent out a picture card of our family. This year I will do the same. The problem I have is picking the right picture. I hang cards I receive and hold on to them for a while until I decide how to recycle or keep them. Hope I get on your mailing list this year. LOL

  11. Both cards are wonderful. You remind me that I need to have the family photo printed to put inside the cards! I'll be sending handmade cards and a family letter to out-of-town folks who we don't see regularly.

  12. Maria, this is such a wonderful Christmas card! Just love the personal touch!

  13. That is a lovely photo card (well, the handmade card is gorgeous) but I just wanted to comment on it, as it's hard to find a photo to put on them sometimes... I'm having a heck of a time finding one this year and then you remind me that the photo itself doesn't have to be holiday... just the card! Silly me. :)
