Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Art Journaling Intentions and Resolutions

I'm working on a new project called called Art Journaling Intentions and Resolutions. . . it will incorporate a little of this:
And a little of this:
Or maybe a little of this:
Or maybe just a bit of this:
It will begin Thursday, Dec. 30 with a post about three approaches to "New Year's Resolutions." On Friday, Dec. 31, I'll discuss ways in which any of these approaches can be recorded (art journaled, blogged, photographed, etc.) throughout the year.  Then, over the weekend, I'll share the art journal(s) I'm making to continue this project throughout the year.  Speaking of which, throughout the year, around the 15th of each month, I'll encourage everyone who's participating to share how they're doing on their project.  I'm hoping some of you will join me.  If it sounds intriguing, all you need to do for now is to begin to think about New Years Resolutions in general and, if art journaling is for you, to find or assemble a journal with twelve pages.
Please consider joining in and help spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested.


  1. It definately sounds intriguing,Rinda....though I'm not sure just how far out of my comfort zone art journaling is!!!!!
    But you can be sure I'll be back to find out more.

  2. sounds fun and 12 pages seems manageable for an art journal newbie

  3. I definitely have a word for 2011, and have found that focusing on one word each year has helped me be more productive. I'm definitely out of my comfort zone with an art journal, but will think about it! :-)

  4. This sounds very interesting - I need to get out of my comfort zone for sure, are you just posting on your blog and we follow?

  5. I have never kept a journal of any kind! Sounds like a brilliant idea! Have a great 2011!

  6. Sounds very interesting Rinda, looking forward to hearing more. I've been so wrapped up in JYC (and admittedly our new DVDs of Mad Men), that I still need to organize my thoughts on goals/intentions for 2011.

  7. I'm being careful to catch up on your posts in the order you wrote them, so I'm very intrigued, but pleased to know that I don't have to wait long to find out more!! Clicking through now....
