Saturday, September 4, 2010

Creating in my studio

When playing in my studio the other day, I decided to try to create my own Golden Paint Mixes, along the ones created by Michael DeMeng that I blogged about here.  I am pretty happy with this formulation, which I call "Halloween Night."  It gives the feeling of nighttime but is light enough to be able to create on top of it - a nice alternative to a straight black, I think.  I started with a wash of carbon black on top of a gesso'd ATC (for texture).  I wiped off a lot of the black and then swooshed/pooled on a wash of Hansa Yellow and dried it.  When it was completely dry, I added a wash of transparent iron  oxide.  Do you think I'm on the right track?
And because I'm worried that things are getting too dark & creepy here on the blog, here's a quick art journal page I made in the studio today.  I used the Creative Therapy prompt, "What was your first kiss?" Mine was in first grade with a boy named Michael Tarbox.  I still remember it very strongly (and fondly). Feel like sharing yours?
Speaking of the studio I work in, have I mentioned that we rent it from a woman who makes specialty cheesecakes?  Her creations are true works of art.  Check out this link to see her wedding cake gallery.  A wonderful side-benefit for me is that the studio always smells fantastic! Plus, she will often share "left-overs" with my weekend classes if she has any available!


  1. I saw that prompt and it made me smile. Aah, it's so lomg ago now..

    Yes, I like your Halloween mix - much better than a very heavy black for a background

  2. The bottom page is divine .... but those cakes - seriously? They are amazing! Do they taste as good as they look?

  3. I love the halloween ATC, the background looks pretty and spooky at the same time which isn't easily achievable!

    Those cakes look delicious! xx

  4. First kiss? I have no idea. My memory for things like that is so poor; but it must not have been memorable. Love the page. I once worked in a bakery and after a few weeks the smells were so familiar that I lost all interest in the baked goods. The rest of my family put on pounds, because the baker sent home left-overs.

  5. The halloween mix works really well....though I'm not a great skeleton lover!!
    Love the bottom page.....lovely colours and a great image.

  6. First kiss... age 4 with my neighbor Joey. What a hussy. LOL!

    Love that bottom page. Gorgeousness!

  7. the color you created is down-right spooky! i love it. i am definitely in the mood for fall.

  8. Wow, clever you :-) And clever cheesecake woman, too! They look yum!

  9. Love the colours in your page and the spotty background. Those cheesecakes are amazing!

  10. [url= ]Точка G - не более, чем привлекательный миф [/url]
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