Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunny Sunday Haiku

Last days of summer
Yellow, soft, fading flowers
Reaching to the sky
I spent the day yesterday at a baseball tournament.  Without a zoom lens, it was hard to take many pictures of the games. During a break in the action, I took some pictures of these sunflowers growing next to the field. I'm back to the ball park today but hope to post another DeMeng inspired project soon!  In the meantime, enjoy this yellow goodness:


  1. These are gorgeous,Rinda....I love sunflowers and always try and grow some...sadly the slugs got most of mine this year!!

  2. I think haikus just add something extra to every photo. :) Have a wonderful day! T

  3. Loving the depth of field in these photos! :-) You've reminded me that I keep intending to try out your haiku challenge... Maybe I'll write something about Venice?!

  4. Van Gogh's Sunflowers is my favourite painting, his colours are muted but these photos are just beautiful Rinda - the top one and the third one are particularly eye catching for me - I really like the merging of the blue and the yellow :-)

  5. Beautiful sunflowers - they always seem so cheerful. And you are right - we need to keep haiku-ing.

  6. Pretty! I am really disappointed I didn't grow any this year!

  7. What gorgeous sunflowers and I love your haiku too!

  8. I love sunflowers and your photos are stunning. I love the haiku.

  9. beautiful! my mom always grew lots of sunflowers, in her gardens and in big tubs in the yard. i think they were one of the only flowers that grew well in the mountains of montana. anyway, thanks for bringing back such sweet memories.
