Monday, August 2, 2010

An inky grungey bookmark for some good reads

This week's Compendium of Curiosities Challenge at Studio L3 features inked grunge.  I used several shades of yellow and orange ink for the background and then added some red, so I could submit it for the Gingersnap Creations "red, orange and yellow" color challenge this month.  The bookmark is made with grunge paper, so it's very flexible, but also sturdy.
The bookmark will go into my current book - The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson, the second book in the Millennium Trilogy.  Have you read any of the Larsson books?  I found The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo pretty disturbing, but I decided to continue with the books because everybody says they keep getting better.  I also watched the "Dragon Tattoo" movie over the weekend, so I'm ready to get started on "Played with Fire."
How's your summer reading going? 
I just finished "Heart in the Right Place," a memoir by Carolyn Jourdon, about a rural country medical practice in Eastern Tennessee.  It was well written and very pleasant.  It was the first book I read on my ipad!  Do you have an ipad or kindle?  If so, what do you think of it?  I found it pretty easy to use and will definitely purchase more books on it.  I don't think I'll give up regular books though, otherwise I'll have no need for bookmarks.
Earlier this summer, I read Breath by Tim Winton, a fast and interesting read, especially if you like surfing.  The ending was a bit rushed and a little weird, but I'd still recommend it. I've started and put down (for now) Empire Falls and The Other Boleyn Girl.  My "to be read" pile now only includes "Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Page.  Finally, I feel like I'm reading "All Quiet on the Western Front," "The House on Mango Street" and "The Kite Runner" because DS Henry is reading them for his Advanced English class, and I help supervise his summer assignments.  I'd love to hear what others are reading!


  1. I've just finished the third in the Larsson trilogy. I didn't like the second book and thoroughly enjoyed the third - my sister found the second to be the best .... I'm interested to hear what you think. The first certainly had some disturbing moments, as do all three - perhaps less so in the others. I'm still thinking about his subject matter and the messages he is trying to get across, I think you would find the third book quite interesting.

  2. Great bookmark! I have a couple of the Larsson books on my kindle, but haven't read them yet.
    I love it, especially when I travel and don't have to worry about how many books to take with me.
    I doubt I'll buy any more pop fiction books, but I'll always buy art books...use my bookmarks in them!

  3. Love your bookmark! The colours are fab.

  4. Love it! And yes, I will try to remember! No dimming...

  5. I keep looking out for the Larsson books at my local library - we're there again this afternoon so I'll check those shelves! I'm currently nearing the end of Pride and Prejudice for the umpteenth time and deciding what to read next. It may depend what I can find at the library....

    I love your bookmark :-) The sentiment is beautiful and the subtle background is gorgeous xx

  6. I don't see me ever being ready to swap real books for a kindle! The Larsson books are disturbing..I think I liked the plot of the first one the best though. I haven't seen the film, I'm guessing it's not an easy watch.

    I've just finished "The Help" and I think it's one I'd like to return to in the future.

  7. LOVE the bookmark, Rinda. I am always so impressed with your ability to layer stamps and colors. I am in awe!

  8. Super bookmark! I love that sentiment! Impressive use of stamps!

  9. Terrific bookmark and love the sentiment. Annette x

  10. Gorgeous bookmark, Rinda! LOVE those colors, and the stamps are great (sweet sentiment!).

    Summer reading has taken a backseat for me this year with this challenge series (which is more than fine-- I'm LOVING it!), but when I do have time to read, I'm going to catch up on the Coffeehouse Mystery series. Light, fun, turn-off-the-brain-and-enjoy-the-ride books. ;-)

  11. Love the colours and stamping.


  12. So funny you are reading the Larsson book, a friend gave the first two to me and i just started the first one.. haven't gotten very far, but i'll let you know if i like it ... LOVE my iPad and have read a TON of books on it ... glad you are enjoying yours :)


  13. your bookmark is beautiful! i like the idea of a kindle (especially the fact that you can enlarge the print and take multiple books on vacation) but i don't know if i could ever give up the tactile/kinesthetic experience of reading a book. "the house on mango street" is so enjoyable, it reads smooth like poetry and is one of my favorite. i am in the middle of a few professional books right now (a bit dry)and just finished patti digh's "life is a verb" (fabulous!) as a reading teacher, i applaud you for modeling literacy by reading assigned books with your son - and being able to discuss them with him is reinforcing the most important component of reading which is comprehension. thanks for sharing what you're reading.

  14. Wonderful bookmark!

    ... does "Get Fuzzy" count as summer reading?

  15. Grungeboard is a perfect medium for a bookmark. I'll have to remember that. I have a bookmark project in mind for some Christmas gifts. I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love right now because I want to see the movie and know I'd never read the book if I saw the movie first. It's been on my shelf for a couple of years. I recently finished two new books, A Fierce Radiance, an historical fiction book about the development of penicillin. It's also a murder mystery. I loved Lauren Belfer's first book, City of Lights. This one is not quite as compelling--too much unnecessary description for one thing--but I really enjoyed the history. The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman was very good. Her writing is superb. But like Belfer's book, I liked Goodman's Intuition a bit better. But The Cookbook Collector is a good and easy read. Our book group just finished reading Await Your Reply by Dan Chaon. I loved it and it's not my usual fare. It's a story about identity theft and people's need to reinvent themselves.

    My friend loaned me her Kindle for my trip to visit Sarah. I ordered one of the new ones that's coming out later this month. I won't give up books either, but I'll keep one book on the Kindle and another on my nightstand. I like the idea of being able to have a book with me all of the time, and I think it will be great for travel.

  16. love the bookmark. I bought The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi over the weekend. Now if I can only find the time to read it . . .

  17. Great bookmark..that saying is wonderful. I got a Kindle as a gift and I really like it but nothing takes the place of a real book for me!
