Sunday, August 15, 2010

Daddy's Little Girl

I've been missing my dad a lot lately.  I don't think I realized that until I realized that much of my art recently has been about little girls and their fathers. I think that's one of the wonderful things of art - it helps me get in touch with my subconscious feelings.  
Anyway, I made this bunting shaped mini-album on Saturday while teaching a class on plaster journals.  The flags are made out of plaster.  The ones on top are painted with a variety of acrylic paints.  The pink flags on the bottom are sprayed with glimmer mists, and the flag in the middle is collaged with a variety of patterned papers and the painted over with ecru paint.  Each of the flags is decorated with a small dress (made using the confined collage technique) and a heart (either made out of plaster or out of confined collage).  I transcribed a poem called "Daddy's Little Angel" onto the flags.  You can click on the pictures to enlarge them and see the details.
I came up with this idea after seeing this post on Dina Wakley's blog in which she featured a canvas pennant banner album from Maya Road.  I'm submitting this project to the Gingersnap Creative blog for their acrylic paint supply challenge.  Also, the top four pages fit Shimelle's prompts for creating with hearts. The outside ones on the bottom row fit her prompt for creating with the color pink and the middle bottom flag meets the prompt for creating with more than four different patterned papers.
The winner of the "haiku in blogland" contest will be announced tomorrow! Thanks to everyone who played


  1. Awww Rinda! I miss your daddy too! The BEST FIL a girl could have ever asked for! Your brother reminds me of him in so many ways! I'm lucky to be married to him!

  2. i love how you can so easily, and beautifully, combine ideas and prompts into projects. art has so much power to tap into our inner hearts - i totally understand your feelings about your dad.

  3. Art and creativity are such great ways to express our feelings and you have done so beautifully here today Rinda :-)

  4. I understand about your dad too x

  5. Another wonderful project, and a tribute to a wonderful relationship! You were a lucky girl.

  6. What a lovely project, the flags are so beautiful.

  7. What a beautiful and heartfelt piece of artwork. Thanks for sharing it with us at Gingersnap Creations!

  8. These are beautiful and powerful!

  9. What a great project......I understand about missing our parents.
