Friday, June 25, 2010

Summertime Girl

Grateful for Clara (art journal page in gratitude journal)
It's summertime and that means there's sand in my car and sand in the front hallway.  There's sand in the clothes dryer and a wetsuit hanging by the front door. It's summertime, and there's a pile of wet towels in the laundry room and a bit of sand on the shower floor.     It's summertime, and you are called to the ocean.  You spend everyday from 10-3 in the HMB Junior Lifeguards program - running on the beach, paddling in the surf, racing to the buoy, splashing after water flags; coming home dripping wet,  full of sand and salt and totally content.  I'll put up with all the sand to see your smile and hear your laughter.  Because it's summertime, and you are my girl.


  1. This brings back a lot of memories for me - we virtually lived at the surf during summer when we were kids and one of my sisters was part of the surf rescue team ... there was always sand everywhere!
    I hope Clara is thoroughly enjoying herself :-)

  2. love it - love the colours and the sentiments. Sounds like a wonderful way for Clara to spend the summer

  3. Agree with Helena....what a wonderful way for Clara to spend the summer.

  4. Beautiful Rinda....enjoy the sand, one day your house will be entirely too clean.

  5. Rinda, these message to your children are priceless! I love that you shared these. And your art page is fabulous too! xo

  6. Another lovely page! And I agree with Julie, one day she will be all grown up and you will long to have sand back on your floor again!

  7. Aha! I just knew it had to be a matching pair! The love and pride just shine from your pages Rinda.

  8. Another stunning page, and the perfect partner to Henry's page :-) Really beautiful, Rinda xx

  9. What a wonderful page! Clara's a lucky girl to live so near the beach; it sounds like an idyllic summer!

  10. what a beautiful letter! it brought tears to my eyes.
