Saturday, June 5, 2010

Girl Power (photos to scrap)

DD Clara turned 12 last week, and she had so much fun!!!
Here's how it went down:
3:00 girls show up at our house, and we head to the shopping mall for a scavenger hunt (they had certain things to buy and certain things to find/photograph with their cell phones).
6:30 Scavenger hunt declared a huge success. Although mom had to waive the rule "you're disqualified if you get into trouble with mall security." Because both teams got in trouble with mall security.  Several times.  Apparently you're not supposed to run in the mall . . . we laugh on the way home remembering Paul Blart, Mall Cop.
9:00 - 10:00  After pizza at Round Table, time for makeovers and really loud music.  Mom and dad hide downstairs and pledge to be "cool" and not ask them to turn it down until 10:00 p.m.  We just make it.
 10:00 pm - ??? Clara loves the idea of having birthday cake at 10 pm!!!  Then it's presents and movies (a scary movie, a funny move and a romance).  
9:00 am the next morning   I guess they stayed up late, since they were still completely sacked out the next day well into mid-morning.  
Oh, to be 12 and have good friends and be so full of girl power that you feel like you're going to burst! I love it!


  1. Fantastic! Its something that I never did as a kid but makes me want to have a sleep-over even now at my great age!! Lucky little ladies :)

  2. We had an all-nighter for a friends 13th .... I've never done it again, I like my sleep way too much! We watched "Romancing the Stone" and music videos and thought we were so sophisticated :-) So glad the girls had a great time and that you two remained "cool" - how did DS cope - or did he wisely evacuate?

  3. This post is like a walk down memory lane for me Rinda...all of it, except my girls didn't have cell phones. You'll be happy to have these photos and memories one day too. We did scavenger hunts the old fashion way...nice to see the kids still enjoy it today. I was the sleep over time with 21 girls, the whole Girl Scout troup. Can't wait to see it scrapped.

  4. The Scavenger Hunt in the Mall is a really cool idea! I would never have thought of that (mind you I have a boy...).

    Sounds as if they had fun - birthday cake at 10pm and films past midnight!

    I never stayed up that late (except midnight mass) until after I was 16! When I was a kid, a "sleepover" involved a lot more sleeping!! But it sounds like an exciting night and a lot of fun.

  5. We did this same thing with one of my daughter's birthdays and printed photos of each girl from the mall and made them into scrapbook pages as another activity - it was a fun party! Love your photos!

    P.S. saw your comment to Elisha about not commenting on the Get Out of Auto Mode gallery - and I totally agree with you! I've taken tons of classes at BPS and loved them, but this one was disappointing.

  6. Wow I love the scavenger hunt idea and I bet the girls did. I love sleep overs even now. I am nothing but a big kid at heart x

  7. Ok. I'm feeling misty anyway because Carrie is turning 22 tomorrow, and seeing this post has me in sentimental tears. I miss the days of "morning after sleepovers" with a floor full of girls in random sleeping bags and blankets (and a kitchen turned upside down).

    So glad that Clara had such a great time at her party! And congrats to Mom and Dad for hanging tough for the duration. :o)

  8. I've managed to live through a few sleepovers....just!! Sounds like they had a great time....and the mall scavenger hunt sounds real fun.

  9. Oh Rinda, that looks like fun!
    Slumber parties are too much fun!

  10. Looks like they all had a fantastic time. Love the idea of a scavenger hunt in the mall.

  11. It sounds like they had so much fun I'm smiling just reading about it! And laughing too at the thought of you being cool enough to waive the no trouble with the security guys rule. Love that. I'm glad you had a good one Clara!

  12. sounds like a extremely fun birthday for a twelve year old!!! my step-daughter turns thirteen at the end of the summer - she is already planning her party. :-)

  13. Looks like so much fun. I love scavenger hunts.

  14. Looks like fun! I love when the kids have sleepovers. Last time, even the dogs came too.

  15. Oh, how fun! Nice pics to scrap. :)
