Friday, June 18, 2010

Each New Day

Well, Creativity Boot Camp is over.  I'll post a full review with my thoughts in a few days.  In the meantime, the final prompt was "smile," and I'm posting a page from my plaster gratitude journal with a quote that always makes me smile:
As the sun makes it new
Day by day make it new
Yet again make it new
Confucius, interpreted by Ezra Pound
This page also reflects the last journaling prompt which encourages you to think about being creative every day.   For those who participated in Creativity Boot Camp, I'd love to hear what you thought about it.


  1. this page definitely makes me smile! Can't wait to hear your review of the Creativity Boot Camp.

  2. Wonderful. I enjoyed watching your creations each day!

  3. another lovely page - amde me smile. My immediate thoughts on bootcamp were that I really enjoyed the daily word prompt and instruction to stick to one medium but did not engage at all with the other aspects because they did not resonate with my own approach and way of thinking/learning. Interested to read your thoughts on it.

  4. A gorgeous page,Rinda....certainly one to make you smile....and such lovely,warm colours.
    I really enjoyed looking at other people's interpretation of the Boot Camp word prompts....and enjoyed doing a few of them myself....but like Helena......didn't really engage with anything else....I think practical courses are more my thing.

  5. I'm ashamed to say that I never actually did any of the boot camp - despite the best of intentions! But I have really enjoyed seeing your work and this is a perfect end to the course - bright and sunny!

  6. Your art is so beautiful and inspiring.

  7. Gorgeous bright and happy page. Your thoughts on a class are always worth reading Rinda.

  8. Yay, Sunshine! and Yellow and orange too... my best favourites.
    A Smiley page and a thoughtful verse.
    All the ingredients to make me happy!

  9. This is gorgeous. Definitely lifts me up on a rainy cloudy day like today.

  10. What a fabulous bright happy page! I enjoyed CBC, but haven't finished - I've had no creativity in me since the head cold hit. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to it this week.

  11. i love your work! i've just come from the cbc (still catching up!) and have enjoyed your entries. i especially liked your alcohol ink tags. beautiful! i've never worked with plaster...

  12. Great way to respond to the 'smile' prompt :-) I've fallen behind with the last few prompts so I'll post my thoughts about boot camp once I've caught up. I want to get on with my art journal idea! xx
