Sunday, June 6, 2010

Creativity Boot Camp Media, Take 2!

"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home."  Twyla Tharp

I'm very excited about taking the two week free class, Creativity Boot Camp, which you can learn about here.  Participants are to choose one media to work on during the two weeks, and I have chosen to work in plaster.  It's a media I love and one that I think can really become a signature of my artwork.  Sorry for the odd post yesterday asking about your media (the only content was an "x").  Not sure how that happened, but it was interesting to hear that many of you are still undecided . . . a couple of photographers, an art journaler and a digi-gal round out the list.  Really hoping people decide to do a variety of things.
The creative prompt for day 1 was "ivory," so I made this ivory house out of plaster and put it on an ATC titled "Run away. . ." The idea is based on the Twyla Tharp quote above.


  1. Rinda the red heart is a great contrast ... will plaster be difficult to work with every day, as in time consuming? What size is the house? On another note, do you keep a special stash of quotes? I love how you pair words and art, always inspiring and matched beautifully.
    Hope you had a lovely few days away :-)

  2. plaster is such a unique medium - i can't wait to see all you create during the next two weeks. i love your cozy house and quote.

  3. Looking forward to seeing what you create each day, the contrasts of this piece.

  4. ditto what Jacky said above!! I'm looking forward to seeing your creations :)

  5. I'm sitting here admiring your creativity and your creative energy! The Bootcamp prompts just aren't speaking to me yet..hope I'm not about to hit a big slump.

    I love the red with the ivory plaster too and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

  6. WOW i really love what you've done for this - so gorgeous, i love the title you've given this too.

  7. Love your interpretation Rinda and thanks for pointing out Boot Camp. I think I would enjoy participating in this, but it would be more than a 2 week journey for me. Too busy with work right now. You def rock on the plaster scene...I'll be following along.

  8. I know NOTHING about working with plaster, but this piece is great. I'm another fan of the red heart. I also like the way you find accompanying quotes. I have a notebook of quotes I've collected but I rarely use them. Also, I just wanted to say that when I read today's Boot Camp prompt (#2) I immediately thought of you---artist. I think my journaling will be about why I see you as an artist, but would never use that word to describe myself.

  9. I love the little red heart on the plaster house. Very nice touch!

  10. So cute! I'm glad a few of you are posting about this - I totally had forgotten! Going to check prompts now. :)

  11. Totally cool. Can't wait to see more. ♥

  12. Oh! I love this!

  13. Wow love this, looking forward to seeing your work every day.
