Friday, May 7, 2010

I love this photo (photographer's hands)

I was messing around today taking a bunch of photos for some projects I'm working on, and I came up with this shot.  Which I kindof love.  A lot.  Although I was trying to take a picture of my camera, I love how this became a photograph about my hands. I love the tension in my hands - they look like the hands of a worker. A photographer at work.  And I love how my fingers ended up reflected in the lens as well.

So, the projects I'm working on are three classes:
1.  Get out of Auto Mode, at Big Picture Scrapbooking, which begins next week but has a pre-assignment to take ten specific pictures.
2.  All About Me, also at BPS, but I'm really doing it via Mel at I Speak Melsh.
3.  The Street Where You Live at Get it Scrapped.  This project just really calls to me, so I decided to go for it.  Plus, I'm feeling the urge to do some actual scrapbooking!
 I'm not sure why, but I really need a project to focus my creativity.  What projects are you working on?
p.s. This post went "live" earlier than I meant for it to, in sort of a wierd format.  Sorry about that!


  1. It's an awesome shot!

  2. Great shot Rinda...your hands look like mine..someone that uses them!

  3. Yep. I agree. Pretty darn cool shot!

  4. great shot of working hands - will add this to my ideas list

  5. It's great when we set out to do something and the project just sort-of takes over and gains a life of its own... and we end up with something rather different to our original intention, but really pretty special.
    That is a great shot, Rinda! It says such a lot, in just a simple photograph.

  6. Love the shot,Rinda.....and am really working on trying to improve my photography and photo editing skills at the moment.

  7. Fantastic shot! I love what Lizzie has to say about the project taking over and gaining a life of its own.

    I'm going to do All About Me, too.

  8. What is it they say about a picture painting a thousand words? This is such a great photo of an artist showing off the tools of their trade!

  9. Super photo :-) I looked at it and thought 'That's the shot I was planning for my All About Me project!' - you clearly had the same idea! xx

  10. Rinda - we share all three of the same current projects and seem to run in all the same circles, so I thought it was high time I began following your blog! Have added you to my Google Reader and look forward to getting to know you.
