Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Just a simple layout done for Shimelle's Something from (almost) Nothing class.  We have developed a variety of creative Easter games to play (once the kids got too old for the traditional egg hunt).  So, we hurl eggs (for distance) and also see who can hit a hardboiled egg the farthest with a baseball bat. You can see a whole layout about it, here. That's probably what we're doing now.  Have a great day!


  1. Happy Easter to you and yours,Rinda.

  2. Does the egg bashing cut down on eating chocolate bunnies and Peeps? Enjoy your Easter, and the weather is going to be perfect--at least on the east coast.

  3. Happy Easter Rinda, hope you are out there taking lots of pictures for future layouts!

  4. Happy Easter to you and your family!

  5. The idea of hitting the hard boiled egg with the bat is really making me smile! That one would go down well here, I think :) Sounds like you had a great Easter Sunday.

  6. Love it :-) The large 'E' is fab! Sounds like a fun tradition, too. Hope you had a great Easter x

  7. Happy Easter from The Scrappy Tree :)
