Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Religion and Art (midweek controversy, perhaps?)

Religion has been a subject for art and artists throughout the ages.  For me, I have used religious icons (especially the Virgin of Guadalupe) in several art pieces, especially those with a strong political message or Latino influence.  Recently, I was inspired by this post at Karen's Random Reflections blog to make time to create one art journal page a week during Lent (the 40 days between Fat Tuesday and Easter) that reflected upon my current feelings about my religion.  Here's my page from this week. It's about insights as to how my Catholicism can co-exist with my more liberal tendencies and views.  What about you? Do you incorporate religion or faith into your art? 


  1. No, I would have to say I do not - however I would like to think that how I live my life according to my beliefs and spirituality is reflected in my scrapbook pages.

  2. I don't either..probably because no one wants to talk about religion over here. Which is a shame of course because discussion can be such a force for good.

  3. This page is so lovely; the soft colors are beautiful. No, I don't, but since my daughter and SIL are both seminary graduates, I suppose I ought to do a scrapbook page about our church and the activities we've been involved in. It obviously had an effect on her.

  4. No I don't ever put religious beliefs into my pages. I agree with Sian, people don't tend to talk about it much over here. The closest I get to it is in portraying the love I have for my family in my pages.

  5. I don't feature religion in my art, but I did create a book about the spiritual side of yoga a few years ago. It seems that in my "circle" religious discussions can become heated (isn't that a shame) and more and more it's just something we don't talk about.

    Your page is gorgeous, btw!

  6. I'd echo what Amy says to an extent, that when I scrapbook my life I hope my faith is reflected in how and live and some of the things we do, but as well as that I will naturally mention my faith within my journaling sometimes; but also, I have done a page about my beliefs recently (I just didn't share it on my blog because it was too personal), and I've done a few ATCs of different Bible verses, which I might share some time soon :-)

    This sounds like a really interesting project of yours, can't wait to see its progress x

  7. A lovely page. Yes, I do incorporate my faith into my art and do 'faithscrapping' projects a lot. I also belong to a forum, especially for Christians who want to develop the faith side of their art - www.faithscrappersuk.com

  8. Lovely page! I do some faith based scrap pages, usually 5-6 a year but mostly I use cross stitch as a medium to express my faith. most of my cross stitch pieces have some religious aspect or symbolism to them

  9. Hmm that's amazing but to be honest i have a hard time visualizing it... I'm wondering what others have to say....
