Sunday, March 7, 2010

I love this photo

"Mom, would you stop taking my picture?"
No, son, I won't.
Because occasionally I take a picture that makes my heart skip a beat when I look at it. Like the team photo for your high school baseball team below. It's not a great technical photo, but when I look at it, I see you and all those boys you've been playing ball with since you were five years old. And my heart skips a beat because suddenly, you look like young men.  And it hits me that you're really in High School. Really. And you're all growing up.  And I love you so much and want so much for you to grow up to be a good man and to be happy.
That's what happens sometimes when I look at the photos I take of you. So, no, I'm not going to stop taking your picture any time soon.
Deal with it.


  1. :-)
    Yes! Yes! Yes!
    Better they learn to deal with it soon!

  2. I does take awhile, but they do learn to deal with it most of the time! I love the single photo of your son. What a great expression on his face--and what a handsome young man!

  3. He looks like such a fine young man and with you as his mum, he's going to grow up to be a good one too. It slips by so fast!

  4. LOL - he'll thank you someday for all the pictures you're taking now!

    Great shot of your son, and the team!

  5. LOL! I love it! It does go by so quickly. Too quickly! Keep taking all the pictures you can!!!

  6. When little mine used to pose as soon as they saw a sadly they tend to run in the opposite direction!!!

  7. You are just a proud mama and your son just has to put up with that. By the way, he is a cutey!

  8. I have the same problem. Trying to take photos yesterday, at the river. I got lots of J's back... not many of his face - or they had silly expressions. It can be hard work, but that one great shot is worth all the effort.

    Those are good photos you have posted. What a great group of young men.. a special photo, since you've known them all so long. I see less of J's Lower School class now that they're all in Middle School, but when I do, it's great to see how they are all growing.

    Your son really does look like a "young man". He's very handsome too.

  9. hahahaha... i can absolutely hear you saying that to him...


  10. What great photos and such a handsome son! Keep snapping away and sharing with us! :)

  11. What a beautiful, heart-warming post - and great photos xx

  12. hey he 'll live !They are nice pitures and while you can you might as well take as many as possib;e

  13. Great post Rinda...someday he may actually understand.

  14. AMEN to that!!!!!! The sooner our kids accept that the easier it will be for them and us! :-) Yes, he is definitely growing up into a fine young man!!!
