Saturday, February 13, 2010

Photo Posts - Snow Play

Two weeks ago, Develop on Friday had a lesson about finding artists who inspire you, and I posted a photo based on Frida Kahlo's work. In the world of photography, I love Tara Whitney's photography.  It's unposed and filled with love. So, today at the snow park, I tried my hand at taking some Tara-like photos. My favorite is the one above, but I wanted to share a few others.

Here's DD Clara pulling her tube.

And with my good-looking husband, Paul.

 Another one with her tube.

Paul on the rope tow.

And the last run of the day.

Do you think I managed Tara-like shots?  The Develop on Friday assignment for this week is to work angles. I was able to take one shot of Clara with an intended interesting angle.  Here it is:
As always, feedback welcome.


  1. Oh, yes! I call these slice of life photos, and yours are amazing.

  2. Wonderful, unposed them [despite the snow!!!!].

  3. This looks like FUN! This is what snow should be like.
    Your photos are fabulous, you must be very happy with them. You've caught the atmosphere perfectly.

  4. They are definitely memory photos! You'll be able to look at these in a few months and say "Ah, yes, what a great day that was!". I like the shot with the two of them in their sliding rings - they look as if they are having such fun. The angle shot of Clara was really great!
    Although snow reflects light, it can be tricky to get really nice shots in the snow - you managed to get some great shots, which show people having fun - and also their faces!

  5. Love these shots - my answer would definitely be YES! And I especially love the angle of the last one :-)

  6. Love the unposed look of these photos you took and that angle on the last photo of your Clara. And it looks like quite a fun outing!

  7. You're doing a great job with these assignments. I need to get serious about the last two this week. I especially love the last shot of Clara.

  8. These are wonderful because they are so natural and everyone looks like they are having so much fun. That snow looks so fresh and clean!
