Thursday, January 28, 2010

Project 1440: Capture the Moment

Do you realize there are only 1440 minutes in each day?  What if you were to take a picture of each minute in one day and record it for posterity? You could create an album with them and post to flickr!  Check out this blog for more ideas . . .
Okay, I'm just being silly and poking a little fun at Project 365 and all the other opportunities out there to record our lives in searing detail.  There is no such thing as Project 1440, is there?  Underneath the sarcasm, I actually like the process of recording the everyday and have done two albums in that vein. 
March Madness -
For this project, I took a picture a day for a month.  I did it in March, 2007, and it remains one of my all time favorite scrapping projects.  I used a format for an album that Shimelle featured on her blog here (the blog post links to a great broadcast on Fiskar's TV).  Each page has the picture, a ribbon, a strip of patterned paper, an embellishment, the date and some journaling. It went together super-quick and all coordinates because I cut all the paper, ribbon, and embellishments before I started.
I love how the album really captures our house, kids' and activities at a particular moment in time.  I also think it will be cool to look back at things like my cell phone, calendar and keys in twenty years.

Week in My Life:
This is a project where I took a bunch of pictures every day for one week and then put them all together in an album.  Ali Edwards does this every year or so on her blog and that was my inspiration. You can read about her project here. I chose a week in Fall, 2008.  In interspersed daily pages with theme pages.  In the photo below, you can see the title page, a theme double-page spread (mornings), a daily double-page spread (Tuesday), and the end page (self-portraits).  Again, I like looking back at this, although the theme pages speak to me more than the daily pages.

I didn't do anything like this in 2009 and wish I had.  This year I'm going to do a monthly layout in our regular albums that have random shots, and I also want to do another mini album of either a week or a month.  The idea of  "Ten photos on the Tenth" of each month (or something similar) also appealed to me.   Have you undertaken any of these projects?  Do you think you'll stick with them?


  1. I've never done a project like this; but I do sometimes think how cool it would be if i had an album from, say, the first year I was married. I wish I had a photo a day for that year! Your photos from 2007 look full of light and happiness

  2. You know, I might be able to handle a picture a day for a month...or even do the week-long stint. I just haven't been able to commit to that 365 gig - seems too overwhelming. I had to laugh when I read your opening paragraph about 1440! :o)

    I've been wanting to put together a mini-book, and doing photos from a day-in-my-life might be the way for me to go!

    PS: Thanks for your sweet comment about Whiskers. He's doing well, and I'm pretty sure he's going to be just fine. >^..^<

  3. I've never done anything quite like this....though I love mini albums and have made quite a few of them.
    I like the picture a day for a month idea....and agree it would be great to look back at some everyday things in 20 years to see how much they've changed....or become obsolete, of course.

  4. Yikes, Project 1440 sounds scary lol! I bet someone out there has actually done it....

    As you know, I'm Scrapping My Day once a month this year, and doing Project 365 - and I get obsessive about things so I'm confident I'll finish it!!

  5. Completely forgot to say how much I like your layouts.... The mix of shots in your 'Week in the life' is fab x

  6. I did a Week in the Life back in 2007 as a class Ali was teaching at CKU. It is one of my favorite albums. Looking back at it, so much as changed and stayed the same.

  7. I did the week in a life album. I was lucky enough to learn it from Ali herself when she was in Michigan. It is one of my favorite albums. I might do one every few years.

    I like the idea of a picture a day for one month. I just can not do one everyday for a year.

    This year I'm trying to do 12 pictures on the 12th. We'll see how that goes!

  8. I did a month-in-the-life scrapbook during a class with Stacy Julian. Her style is not mine, so I wasn't so sure about it when I finished it. I looked through it recently, though, and I was very glad to have it. The project coincided with the first September I retired, and it was interesting to see my perspective on my "new" life as well as a lot of photos I would never have taken otherwise. I so wish I had done this when my kids were home, but I really didn't get into scrapbooking until after they were grown.

  9. I never thought about just doing a month. This is my third year doing P365 & i never scrap all the photos because it's too overwhelming. I suppose if I can cope with Journal Your Christmas I could manage to scrap a month. Thanks for the idea!

  10. Is this the March 2007 album you did with me??? I love mine. It is one of the few mini albums that I've made that I keep out and look at occasionally. We should do that again and see how much or how little our lives have changed. (I just looked thought it again and read the captions and it made me smile and I can't believe how much things have changed!)

  11. oh great - now you KNOW someone is going to jump on the 1440 bandwagon and start something up!

    This year I'm going to try and do a double page spread for each month with some photos of what I've done that month, be it exciting or mundane. So far this month... I have a photo of the Dale Jr. Camaro & my pretty pink camelias that bloomed to scrapbook ;-)
    Tomorrow I see Sonja and Tracy - I better photograph that!

  12. Rinda, I'm taking on 12 on the 12th this year and a couple of years ago I did a monthly review double page which I really love. I have started a weekly gratitude page as well - I'm not sure how I will go on that one though.

  13. I did Shimelle's 25th of the month project, taking photos every month on the same day and enjoyed it. This year I am aiming to document the year with a monthly LO or DLO.

  14. Love this! I adore day-in-the-life layouts. I'm sure you'll kids will treasure these and they'll be very fun to look at in future years.
