Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Butterfly Seller (Art Journal page - click to enlarge)

I absolutely adore this piece!  Is that awful to say?  If so, I don't care!  I had so much fun making it.  I created it while completing a lesson on "restricted means" as part of the Pablo Picasso segment of the Art Journaling class I'm taking.  I'm going to create a few more pages in my art journal before I decide to move on from Pablo Picasso to the next artist in the series:  Mary Cassatt. 

Have you made anything lately that you loved?  If so, what was it?

Happy creating!

Stamp credit:  Stampotique


  1. Oh Rinda, I don't blame you a bit for loving this piece. It is AMAZING!

  2. ooh i love it too. such a clever use of space, stamping/painting and use of masking. i also adore the butterfly girl drawing.
    Jo xxx

  3. Totally stunning - just works on so many levels you should be rightly proud. Hugs Cherry XXX

  4. beautiful! What an artist you are!

  5. It's not awful to say! I love this too :-)

    What have I made lately that I loved? My JYC/DD album; a cake; and the photo I posted on my blog today - OK, I didn't 'make' it, but I took it!

  6. It's beautiful, you are right to be proud of it!

  7. I love it too! I think it's good to be proud of something you've created. The thing I'm most pleased with at the moment is my blog. I'm so glad I started!

  8. WOW!! what's not to love??? You always inspire me, Rinda! :D


  9. I love the colors ! It is so much fun to "do your own thing".

    Thanks for visiting my blog and yes it is going to be for the PAO swap

  10. This is just AWESOME!!!! Bring to Wed group? I would love to see in person!!! Lis

  11. You are quite right to love this - its gorgeous.

  12. It is beautiful,Rinda...no wonder you love it...I love it too...and nothing wrong with being proud of what you've created.
    2 questions....I love the figure....is she stamped or drawn?
    What paper do you use for your art journals?

  13. Thanks everyone! The girl is stamped with a stampotique stamp. They make very unique stamps. Right now I am using spiral bound water color paper tablets for my art journals. And, Mel, I definitely think your photo counts as your creation.

  14. Of course you are right to be proud of yourself - nothing wrong with that. It is a lovely piece of work and if I'd made it, I would be proud too!
    The butterfly/balloon idea is wonderful.

  15. Wow! I LOVE it too! The colors, textures, and composition are fabulous!

  16. Absolutely love it!
    I think it is great to love your own work - for the most part I love my pages ... every now and then one doesn't turn out how I imagined, but, I firmly believe that my stories are worth loving so I'm ok with most things that I do :-)

  17. Rinda - this is fabulous! I also love it!

  18. It's just beautiful, and you should love it! Love the haiku on the post above as well as the photograph. This is a great spot for inspiration!

  19. This is absolutely gorgeous! I love the idea, design and the bluish turquoise color!

  20. Nice post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
