Sunday, December 6, 2009

Scrapbook Sunday - Cheating a Little

Here's a scrapbook page, but it's an old one.  It's one of the kids when they were little and truly believed in Santa Clause.  It was one of my first fancy scrapbook pages and remains one of my favorites. Journaling reads:  "In a slightly past-its-prime mall called Whittwood, we met the REAL SANTA.  When Henry said he didn't know what he wanted, Santa said 'Why don't we make it a surprise, then?' When Clara said she wanted the two Bitty Baby dolls, Santa said, 'You mean the twins?'  I said, 'You've heard of them?' Santa replied, 'Of course.  I made them.'  Clara said she wanted the stroller but thought it wouldn't fit down the chimney and might scratch Grandma's roof, but Santa said, 'Don't worry.  I'll just sprinkle it with some magic dust.'  Clara gave him a big hug and said, 'I love you Santa.  Merry Christmas.'  Christmas Eve 2002." Club Scrap Reflections kit.

And here's the little miscreants today (actually yesterday, at the gingerbread house party):

Don't forget to enter the weekend give-away before 9:00 p.m. tonight, California time.  Click here, and tell me how to help them have a magical Christmas now that they are old and cynical.


  1. That is a great layout! what a fab Santa!!

  2. Lovely journaling! So nice to see the older versions too.

  3. This is such a lovely page....and so great to have all that journalling......we think we'll remember it all....but we don't......and now you [and they] have this detailed memory forever.

  4. I love the Santa story! He truly is "the real Santa!" What a great person!

  5. Gosh, they grow so quickly - gorgeous kiddos and a great story to remember!

  6. hope you had a fab time at the gingerbread party whata fantastic idea

  7. Oh wow, what a wonderful Santa! I love that story, it actually brought a tear to my eye!
    Love your Tim tags, too!

  8. Oh Rinda, this is so lovely :-) It brought a tear to my eye too! Thanks for sharing xx
