Tuesday, December 29, 2009

An Inspiring Word for 2010?

Ali Edwards, an inspiring and self-titled "life artist" hosts an exercise every year where her blog readers choose an inspiring word for the upcoming year.  She describes the exercise like this, "Essentially the idea is to choose a word (or let it choose you) that has the potential to make an impact on your life. Maybe you want to invite something or maybe you are hoping to subtract something. Maybe your word will be practical or hopeful or creative or fanciful. Maybe you need a big word, something in-your-face that will challenge you everyday. Maybe you need something smaller and quieter that will whisper gentle tidings as you make your way throughout the year."

I have chosen a word for the last few years and found it helpful in both my art and my life.  In 2007, I chose "open" and illustrated the word with a series of ATC's.  In 2008, I chose the word "flow" and took the picture above to illustrate it.  In 2009, I created a plaster piece with my word, "accomplish."  I have started to think about a word for 2010, but haven't settled on one yet.  Have you done this?  What word have you chosen?  Is it something you will do in 2010?  What will be your inspiring word?


  1. I love this idea. I'm going to come up with a word that will fit 2010 as well. Thanks for posting on this!

  2. this year my word was 'what next?' and it really worked for me - have a shortlist for 2010 but not settled on one yet. Like the idea of creating a piece of art to represent the word

  3. Loving this idea, spotted it on Ali's blog yesterday and been thinking it over all night!

  4. I like this idea....especially as we begin a new decade.....will start thinking on it.

  5. I also did a post about my word for the new year, I just can't figure out what that word will be yet...

  6. This is such a wonderful idea. I've been thinking it over and I haven't settled on one yet but I certainly do intend to. I'll be looking out to see what you decide on too

  7. I've done this for the last 5 years and pick the same word every year. My word is Believe. This word means a lot to me, believe I can do it, believe it will happen, believe in miracles, believe in goodness, in short it means to not lose faith and just Believe that all things are possible. I have it strategic locations in my everyday life.

  8. Last year, my word was INSPIRE....I am still thinking about this year...Good luck!

  9. I have in the past Rinda but, nothing seems to be jumping out at me this year - will have to give further thought.

  10. Your photo is absolutely gorgeous! I chose a word in June to coincide with my birthday: grow. Feeling kinda left out that it's not time for me to pick a new word with everyone else ;)

  11. I have not done this yet, but I am really considering it for 2010. I don't think I was "in the right place" but now I am. I just need to discover what that word and attitude will be!

  12. Thanks for the compliment on my photo Sharyn. It took a bit of effort, which had to be quick, because rainbows are so ethereal.

  13. Hey all this Christmas vacation I have fully enjoyed at our family trip and was so much fun too. I had taken some good inspiration for new year too.. Thanks for this post.

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