Monday, December 21, 2009

Heritage Notecards as Xmas Gifts

I love the convenience of giving gift cards at Christmas.  But I never feel like I'm giving a real gift when I give one  . . . you know, a real gift - a package with wrapping and ribbon.  So, what I've taken to doing is to give a handful of homemade cards with the gift cards.  I have A LOT of cards in my stash, so I choose a nice assortment and bundle them up with the gift card.  Most people really seem to appreciate them (mostly because they are my crafty, but overly busy sisters-in-law who can always use a card and who appreciate the work that goes into them).  This year, for my brothers and sisters, I'm doing something a little different.  I took collage sheets I made with family heritage photos and used them to make simple note cards.  Each of my sibs will get a few cards tucked into their Christmas gifts. The card at top features a Club Scrap stencil and a picture of my Aunts and Uncles.  That's my Uncle Tony looking so handsome next to the vintage card.  And that's my gorgeous mother, Carmen (right), with her sister Esther (on the left).
Do you give cards at Christmas?  What sort of a reaction do you get?


  1. That's a brilliant idea..I'm sure they'll love those. I never make cards..just can't seem to get along with them but I do love to give other things I've made

  2. Ooooh! I can't wait!! I showed Petey! LOL! From one of your many sister in laws!!!

  3. Hi Rita -
    I guess I should have said, "no fair peeking!" Do you shake your Christmas presents to guess what they are, too?
    See you soon,

  4. Your cards are lovely, what a super idea. I have never thought to give hand-made cards to anyone as a present.

  5. What a wonderful idea....and the way you're doing it this year makes them so personal as well. No wonder Rita sounds so pleased!!

  6. These are fab :-) I enjoy making cards but I don't ever have enough spare to give a bundle away - I keep thinking about/planning to make a selection as a gift, maybe with a birthday book or something, but it hasn't happened yet...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. LOL! I can't help it if I like to read your blog everyday!! (And to be related to you is a plus!!) Can't wait to see you guys too! We are celebrating on Friday instead of Saturday. Oh and when I was little I use to shake my presents, but not anymore because there is usually not something I don't know about under there> :-)

  9. Great idea! I've given sets of cards along with birthday cards and always gotten a good reaction, but hadn't thought of doing it for Christmas. Will have to keep that in mind next year. Thanks!

  10. What a stunning photo of your Mum and her sister - that is a great idea for gift cards ... I know what you mean about feeling the need to jazz them up a bit :-)

  11. Love these cards. I make all my Christmas cards, and frequently make a set of all occasion cards to give away as a gift. They always seem to be appreciated, and I love to make them.

  12. The acrds are absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!!! Yes, I do appreciate you and teh time you take to make them sooooo much!
