Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tending your inner light with holiday art

There are so many potential art projects for the holidays.  In particular, there are many Christmas Journals designed for you to be able to chronicle your holidays through scrapbooking, journaling and art.  I have looked at a few of these and thought about doing Ali Edwards' December Daily or Jessica Sprague's Holiday in Hand, but I've decided not to.  I think that either of these would just make me feel pressured to have an "authentic" holiday season, when I'm just really not in the mood. I mean, either you're authentic or you're not, right? You just can't force the feeling!  LOL!

When I am in the mood, I love the idea of Christmas Journals, and I adored participating in Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas a few years back.  It remains one of my favorite art journals, and I'll be posting it here for you, as a slide show on Christmas Day.

What I do feel like doing is Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of Christmas.  I love these, and I am thrilled he's doing them again this year.  Check here on Dec. 1, and you'll see my tags from last year.  I may even put the 2009 tags in a mini-album with a few Christmas memories from this year - the authentic memories, that is!

How are you tending your inner light this holiday season?


  1. Rinda, I'm going to take Shimelle's class this year - for the writing prompts mostly. I've made albums and journals at this time before - most years actually, and I'm looking forward to adding some fresh perspective with her prompts. I already know not all of her prompts will be applicable to my situation - I like the idea of the community feel of the class, the motivation and the spirit of joining in with other people around the world.
    Tim Holtz's tags are quite incredible - I look forward to your take on the themes!

  2. I recently discovered tags - love the idea of making them for Christmas and will certainly be checking out yours and Timmy's blogs :)

  3. Hi all!
    Interesting to hear your responses. This was supposed to autopost tomorrow, and the date at the top says Saturday (even though it's still Friday here), so I'm not sure how I scrambled poor Blogger's brain!

  4. glad someone else is in the same quandry - I don't do a full on december full of christmas and all of our family traditions are from 23rd to 27th so while i love the structure of the december daily it doesn't resonate for me. Will go look at the tags

  5. The tags seem like the perfect solution Rinda. I look forward to seeing thier progress. I'm going to try to follow Shimelle's prompts but I'm not going to stress if I end up only journaling a few days of Christmas!

  6. Love the tag Rinda!
    I don't have time to do a course this Christmas! With all the re-arranging of rooms, diy, moving stuff etc, I'll be lucky to get enough time for any scrapping at all!
    I'm making some gifts for family this year. I want to make an old-fashioned photo album for my mum, to store her collection of postcards that she's had from friends and family over the last few years. They give her a lot of pleasure and I think she'd love to have somewhere "posh" to put them.

    Then I'll have to see if I've time for any other projects!

  7. i'm probaly going to play along with all three but mix them together I am also going to try and play long with Tim Holz tags my friend and I want to do them togethr:)

  8. Hi, I'm doing a mix of Ali Edwards, Jessica Sprague and Shimelle's. Have done Shimelle's for the past two years and enjoyed it, but feel like doing something a bit different this year. Like the Tim Holtz's tags - hope you enjoy doing them :)

  9. I'm doing the fourth Christmas Journal. It will be a bit of Shimelle, a bit of Jessica, a bit of Ali, and a bit of me! Love the idea of the tags, and looking forward to seeing them.

  10. I love making a xmas journals...joined Shimelle's class last year....and this year have looked at HIH and Ali Edwards....will probably take ideas from all 3 mixed in with my own.....but I do love the camaderie and support from Shimelle's forum...not to mention her inspiring prompts. I think Tim Holtz is a genius...I love his stuff.....but most of it is way out of my comfort zone....will follow it on his blog....and look forward to seeing your take.

  11. I'm doing a bit of everything I hope this year. Look forward to seeing your tags.

  12. His tags are wonderful! Great project to take on during the holiday season -
