Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dias de Los Muertos Art, Part 1

I really enjoy making art for Dias de los Muertos. Here's a few things I have made. The first is a faux sugar skull (made in a class taught by Connie Andrews). The second is a shrine that includes an altered domino (made the shrine in a class taught by my friend Sally). The third picture includes a slide shrine that I made in a class I taught last year and a metal tin shrine.
This post is Part 1 because tomorrow I will post some of the art I have made to pay tribute to particular people who have passed away.

Also don't forget that today is the last day to post a comment in response to "Is it Finished" from Friday. Entries close at 6:00 Sunday night California time.


  1. These are incredible!! I love the tin shrine, such great detail!

  2. These are really cool! I've been building simple altars for years, but they are not artful or stylistic at all. I'd love to make art that honored my loved ones to place on the altar. I am in shimelle's Blogging for Scrapbookers also.

  3. I love your shrine with the domino!
