Tuesday, March 4, 2014

ZIZO #10: Photobomb

My wonderful husband Paul decided to photobomb my attempt to photograph this watermelon. Since photobombing seems to be all the rage these days, I thought it made the perfect Zoom In < Zoom Out pairing for this week. To see other interpretations for the meme, go check out Helena's blog here. 
Have you ever photobombed somebody? Had one of your shots photobombed by someone else? If not, you may want to get in some practice because I'm definitely including "a photobomb" in the 2014 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt!


Melissa said...

I have a 12 y.o. daughter who is a serial photo bomber. Great photos.

Abi said...

This made me laugh! My brothers always photobomb my photos!

Lesley G said...

Brilliant, it's not just my immature husband then!!!

Missus Wookie said...

Love the look on his face - did you warn him he'd appear on the blog?

scrappyjacky said...

My son....who usually tries to avoid being photographed....thinks it's hilarious to do this!

helena said...

made me laugh and looking forward to photo bombing for the scavenger hunt

Miriam said...

My son! this is a great ZIZO Rinda.

Ladkyis said...

~sigh with relief~ there will be a photo scavenger hunt this year. All is right with the world!

Oh, oh I love the pictures, I am sure I can find a photobomber.

debs14 said...

So happy you are already giving thought to this year's Scavenger Hunt! As Laykyis says 'all is right with the world!'.
Great photobomb. Our dog is the sneakiest photobomber of the family.

Sian said...

I'm not a big fan of photobombs..but I am a huge watermelon lover!

Karen said...

I've never photobombed, but yours is a lot of fun!

This West London Life said...

Love it! I've never photobombed anyone, but my 17 year old nephew does.

Flora said...

That's too funny! :-) I've never intentionally photobombed anyone.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Haha - this is awesome, Rinda! (Hello, Paul!)

Oooh and I just got super excited at the mention of your summertime photography scavenger hunt!!! Yay!

sky-blu-pink said...

Fun picture, i often wonder if I am accidentally in other people's holiday snaps; I have one I took in Kyoto at the Golden Temple with a little man in the way, and also another in Budapest of a troupe of dancers with a random Japanese lady at the end!!

Jimjams said...

Ha ha - great pairing! Good news on the Scavenger Hunt too :-D

Jimjams said...

Ha ha - great pairing! Good news on the Scavenger Hunt too :-D

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

My youngest and the cats tend to photobomb me. And so does my unexpected reflection in shiny surfaces when I think I am at a safe non-reflection producing angle.

alexa said...

I clearly live in a sheltered universe - I've not heard of photobombing :). We called it 'being annoying' in my day! Though he is kinda cute ...

Jo Murray said...

Hmmm...re the Scavenger hunt...how do you photobomb yourself?

Anonymous said...

Great set of zizo pictures Rinda. Glad to hear there's going to be another scavenger hunt. We came across a lot of photobombers during our cruises the past couple of months. :)