Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Simple Moment in April: Perseverence

April 13, 2013, 9:21 a.m.
The weather is still cool.  The sky is blue and it will no doubt get hot later in the day.  For now, the dappled shade offered by the scrub oak trees keeps me from getting overheated.  Under my feet, the packed dirt of the trail is a lovely shade of brown.  The grass along the edge is deep green. I've been running for almost an hour, and for the last twenty minutes I've been going uphill.  I am running alone and feel a little sorry for myself. Clara stayed home today, and no one from the Team is with me on this portion of the trail.  I continue to shuffle up the hill.  Trying to keep my form.  Trying not to cry.
9:24 a.m.
I have made it to the top of the loop.  My stride falls back into its regular form. No shade here.  I look down and see my shadow keeping pace with me. Dressed in running clothes, visor and a water belt, my shadow self looks strong and confident. I hear birds singing. Suddenly, I feel better. Alone; but no longer lonely.
9:29 a.m.
I have started the descent. I am running down deeply shaded switch backs, picking up speed and letting gravity provide most of my energy. Ten miles suddenly seems doable. I am surprised to realize that I am smiling.
A Simple Moment is a monthly meme sponsored by Alexa of Trimming the Sails, which encourages participants to share the sights, sounds and other small details of a moment in your life.  This link is now open. Why not join in?


  1. well done on completing the run on your own xxx

  2. Good job on keeping at it - I'm so glad to hear that it all ended in a smile.

  3. You're doing do well,Rinda....keep it up.

  4. You are doing so well, and its so much harder to motivate yourself on your own. A really expressive moment recorded here.

  5. A lovely moment - I could feel the pain barrier you went through going up that hill. Keep up the training you're doing great!

  6. Does it sound silly to say that I am proud of you? I hope not because I really am - keep going, you can do this and you WILL do this!

  7. You are doing wonderfully! Is all this running reshaping your body yet?

  8. Gosh, I'd be wanting to cry after a lot less than an hour of running. You keep it up, we're all behind you!

  9. Congrats on sticking with it. I hate running alone, which is why I stick with a treadmill.

  10. A great moment of perseverence to capture! YOU CAN DO IT!!

  11. Yeah! You did it on your own. That's great.

  12. Well done Rinda...beautifully captured, and I too am glad it ended with a are made of stern stuff!
    Alison xx

  13. What a lovely way to capture your changing emotions! And congrats on these long runs!

  14. So proud of you cousin. Keep it up, we know you can do it and will do it.

  15. So proud of you cousin. Keep it up, we know you can do it and will do it.

  16. Golly, Rinda, ten miles? And up hill like that for part of it? I am FULL of admiration. I feel inspired not just by your running but the way you can hold on through the tough times to something better ahead. And thank-you for finding the time to take part and post when life is already full and busy - lovely to see you :).

  17. Great job Rinda! Keep up the good work! If I could walk 60 miles in 3 days (in 2008) I KNOW you can do this!

  18. Ten miles is AWESOME! That long? running?? You go, girl!

  19. Rinda, you are amazing, strong and resourceful, I too felt a sense of pride when I read your moment. x

  20. Oh congratulations! I'm glad you pushed through.

  21. congratulations Rinda!!
    just thinking on this my legs shake...

  22. Congratulations on pushing through! I am so in awe of you - there is no way I could do what you are doing. I loved reading your post :)
