Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Look Up//Look Down #7

A rain storm blew in today. Aria (the big dog) is such a puppy that she was confused by water coming down from the sky and couldn't decide if she wanted to go out and play in it or not! Gypsy is decidedly not a fan.
I've been following along with Helena's meme to post a weekly photograph looking up and looking down, as have others. I've been particularly taken with Amy's posts which capture household life and people. My photos have been mainly about nature or architecture. You can see my earlier pairings by clicking on this link. I chose the pair for today to bring a bit more "life" into my pairings. Have you started to notice differences among the pairings posted by fellow bloggers? Are there any that are catching your eye?


  1. the rain makes a great connection and the grey of the cloud seems mirrorred on the decking. Lovely to see your 2 dogs together

  2. I was actually enjoying your nature/architecture/colour inspired photos - and I hope to continue so.
    I am trying to capture people and places that tell a story when combined. I am also trying to get more photos of the people around us this year and that's probably why you have noticed that theme in my shots.
    Yours match really well today - love the doggies together!

  3. Anything with a connection between the two pictures - as you have here- is really starting to catch my eye. And colours, too, anything with striking colour

  4. I love to combine the pairing, it seems to tell more of a story for me.
    I really love to see pictures of the sky it reminds me that we all live under the same sky...
    I am catching up with you this afternoon, at last.

  5. Those clouds look pretty wild, I love captures like that. Your dogs are just delightful to watch. This meme is interesting and gives a different persepctive which I like a lot.

  6. I like the additional information about the dogs and the confusion for one f them - something the lovely photos can't tell me.. I am just enjoying all your any variations on the theme!

  7. Great picture of the dogs!!! I remember when we had a snow and at first the dogs just looked and then one took off playing and then the next! Thanks for the great memory!
